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Maddie's POV

Leah and some of the other young Trumpists decided to have a little party to celebrate the first day of summer. 

However, when I showed up at the venue, I realized that the Trumpists' definition of "little party" was very different from my own. Of course, I shouldn't have been surprised. Their leader thought a million dollars was a small loan. 

People in showy dresses walked around the huge, circular hall, laughing, talking, and dancing. Moderate waiters brought in an endless supply of appetizers on large platters, and slowly unveiled a large buffet, one dish at a time. 

I felt extremely guilty as I dipped a skewer of strawberries, grapes, and marshmallows in the colossal chocolate fountain. 

April and Rylee are probably starving right now. 

"Hey, Maddie!" Leah waved, and I walked over to where she and the Crew were standing, also eating fruit dipped in warm chocolate and some delicious looking crème brûlée. 

"Here," Jasmine handed me a bowl of the decadent sweet. "Tonight, we're eating dessert first!" 

"Sounds good to me!" I laughed, sticking my spoon into its creamy surface. Suddenly, our lighthearted conversation was interrupted by a furious Leona, who stormed into the room. 

The confused teenage Trumpists moved out of the way, wondering why the third most powerful person in Trumperica was at their party. 

"Yes," she said to the TG next to her. "I want the whole place on lockdown! Nothing comes in, and nothing comes out!" 

"But what if someone tries to-" 

"Shoot them! I don't care what they try, if they step out of line for a second, blow their brains out!" 

"Yes, ma'am!" The flustered TG saluted Leona before quickly running off, probably to tell his friends of their orders. 

"Leona, what's going on?" Leah's brow became creased with worry. 

"Apparently four Lowlies have escaped the STCC!" She hissed. 

"Really? But isn't that the most secure Lowly Camp in the country!?" Leah gasped.

"Exactly!" Leona shook her head. "But those scumbags are surely paying for their friends' mistake," she snarled. "They have even less freedom than they had before, and Outside Opportunities has been enhanced...if you know what I mean." 

Why was Leona being this mean? This wasn't like her at all! Surely she was acting for the Trumpists...although her cruel, no-nonsense attitude really didn't seem fake. No, she was probably just a really good actress...

"Well, what if people find out?" Penny asked. "Other Lowlies could start to get ideas. And before we knew it, we'd have an all out rebellion to deal with!"

"President Trump has already informed the media," Leona said. "There's no way any of the other Camps are going to find out about this." 

"Good," Leah nodded. 

"Maddie, I need you to come with me," Leona said quietly. "But don't let anyone see." 

I watched out of the corner of my eye as she weaved through the crowd.

"I'm going to go get more strawberries," I told Leah, before starting to follow a few yards behind Leona. Close enough to keep track of her, but far enough that it wasn't noticeable. 

"This is the perfect time for you to begin preparation," Leona smiled triumphantly as we disappeared into a back hallway. "There couldn't be a better moment for the assassination. The Trumpist Assembly is in chaos, with the escape of the four Lowlies and an attempt to disrupt the construction of the Great Wall of Trump in the same week. Trump himself is scared to death, he's just had a real...close encounter with an actual rebel." 

"There's rebels? Besides us?" I asked. 

"A couple of them, scattered across the country," Leona shrugged. "No other major groups, though. Anyway, they're saying China's just about ready to declare war on us!" 

"Really?" I gasped. "Why?"

"They believe the mass killing of humans for usage as food is wrong and disgusting, and most other countries agree. Also, Trump's obstinate usage and promotion of Trumperican made goods and Trumperican made goods only is messing up the global economy. The UN has tried to resolve this peacefully, but you know Trump. He doesn't listen to anyone. If this really is going to be World War III, which is probably is, it's going to be Trumperica vs. the rest of the world." 

"So basically, we're screwed." 

"Yep," Leona sighed. "That's why we need to get rid of Trump now. I need you at the Intelligence as soon as this party is over. We need to start planning the assassination, and you need to start getting comfortable with a gun." 

"Okay," I nodded, my heart fluttering in my chest. 

This was it. It was really going to be me. I was really going to kill Trump. I was really going to make history.

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