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Rylee's POV

After a few seconds of unconsciousness, the rubber released its pressure and I was back in the lobby. 

Well, that was easier than I thought it would be.

"Okay, Dee and David," the cheery green grinned. "This shouldn't be a surprise, considering your heritage, but you two are most definitely red jumpsuits! We can tell from the brain scan alone! Olivia?" He motioned to another green who stood in the corner, and she walked forward, handing Dee and David two red jumpsuits wrapped in protective plastic. 

"You can go ahead and get changed, meet your dad in his office and he'll assign you to a squad." 

"Thanks!" Dee chimed and the twins high fived each other, skipping out of the room. Obviously, this was what they had wanted. 

"And you three," the green sighed, turning to April, Julie, and me. "Your results weren't quite as decisive as their, we're going to have to put you through further testing. Now, come this way."

As we followed the green down the hallway, he randomly stuck his foot out in front of us. Both Julie and April tripped, but I stopped just in time."

"Okay, your mental tests eliminated green, and your clumsiness proves you can't be reds. Since everyone has a place here at OTD, you're now blues!" The green gave April and Julie two thumbs up, handing them each a blue jumpsuit. "I think the younger blues are having free time in their barracks right now, Marlene must've shown you where those are." 

"Yeah," April nodded. 

"Good, go there! There will be people to help you figure things out." Gleefully waving goodbye to my friends, he turned to me. 

"And you, my dear, are very, very special. You're all of the colors, and you're none. You're your own brand of Trump Dumper, and you're not going to let anyone or anything categorize you. You, Rylee Stone...are divergent." 

"What the heck?" I snorted, slapping my thighs in derision as I laughed like a maniac. Divergent? That was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard! On the other hand, we were living in a dystopian novel. Why not make it official? 

"In all seriousness, Rylee, you're divergent," the green frowned, clearly not very amused. "There are about nine of you here so far, all living in a secret compound deep below headquarters. Go directly to Mr. Olson, he'll tell you what to do next. The Divergent Division is top secret, and he's the only one besides the divergents themselves who knows anything about it." 

"Okay," I walked to the back of the lobby and knocked on the door to Mr. Olson's office. 

Great, I've been Katniss Everdeen, and now I'm Tris Prior. What's next? Cassia Reyes? America Singer? Who knows???

"Come in," Mr. Olson said gruffly. Slowly opening the door, I found him reading a newspaper, frowning. 

"Trumpist trash and their stupid drama," he shook his head before looking up at me. "Oh hello, Rylee. Is there something you need?" 

"He said to see you," I pointed to the door. "Apparently I'm...divergent." 

"Ah, that's great to hear! We could always use another divergent around here! No need to be scared, we don't kill them like they do in the book," he laughed. "We just call you guys divergent because you don't really fit into any of the categories." 

"Okay..." I trailed off. 

"I know, it seems weird, but I promise it will make sense soon. As a divergent, you will not be allowed to leave the Divergent Quarter. On the bright side, it also means you're one step closer to becoming the face of OTD, because the Eagle will be chosen from among the divergents. After the Eagle is chosen, the divergent program will be revealed." 

"So, I can't even tell Julie and April?" 

"No," Mr. Olson shook his head. "Sorry, it's for security. One person finds out, and in a few hours, the entire rebellion knows." 

"I understand," I nodded slowly. "Thanks!" 

"Anytime! Go down to the end of that hall over there, touch your nose to the wall, and say 'I fly eagle seven' slowly. If it doesn't work, come back here." 

"Um...okay," I nodded. "Bye!" 

Walking apprehensively down the hallway, I touched my nose to the wall, trying my best to ignore the weird looks from everyone around me. "I fly eagle seven," I whispered, and the wall opened up, pulling me in so quickly that anyone who saw it happen would've dismissed it as their imagination. 

Inside the wall was a small elevator, barely big enough for one person. The moment I was inside, it plunged down so fast I had to grab the walls to keep myself from falling over. 

Obviously these people give no importance to comfort, I thought as the doors opened with a ping and I stepped out. 

"Oh, so you're the new divergent Mr. Olson just called about," said a tall girl in a sports crop and leggings. Her long brown hair was twisted into a ponytail, her arms were crossed arrogantly over her chest, and her face was twisted into a scowl. I could already tell I wasn't going to like her. 

"Yeah. I'm Rylee Stone," I smiled weakly, not wanting to make enemies on my first day here. 

"I'm Jaylene Gregor," the girl smirked. "Future Eagle." 

"Oh, I didn't know Mr. Olson already chose the Eagle." 

"He hasn't. But it's obvious who he's gonna pick," a blonde guy across from Jaylene shrugged. 

"Yeah, Jaylene's totally the best," said another girl. 

"Okay, divergents, settle down," a man in a faded red jumpsuit walked into the small room. "Meet the newest member of your team: Rylee Stone! She just escaped from a Lowly Camp." 

"Hey," they muttered unenthusiastically. 

"Okay, introduction time is over, get back to your training!" He yelled, and the divergents instantly scattered. "Rylee, follow Jenna over there," he pointed to a girl with blue hair who looked to be the least athletic of the divergents. "You'll be in her group." 

As I jogged behind Jenna out of the room and into a gym, I noticed a poster on the wall. "Eagle testing: 6 weeks." 

I knew I should just let Jaylene have what she deserved, but part of me still really wanted to be the next Mockingjay. 

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