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Rylee's POV

After dinner, we new Lowlies were given an overview of camp life: our schedules, our chores, and the rules. There were only three of them- don't try to leave, don't speak to the Moderate camp leaders unless they speak to you first, and don't disobey the Moderates. Simple enough. 

However, I was too intrigued by what Dee and David had to tell us to pay any real attention to the details of Dr. Powers' speech about all the different things we would have to do at Camp. 

Finally, when it was time for bed, April, Julie and I climbed up the many sets of stairs to our room, exhausted. 

"Our Cardexes may be able to understand our words and keep tabs on our phones, but they can't see what we write," April grinned, pulling a crumpled up sheet of notebook paper out of her pocket. 

Julie handed her a pen and she scribbled something at the top of the page. When she was done, she passed it to Julie, who grinned and grabbed the pen from April, adding something to the piece of paper. Julie then handed it to me, and I smiled when I saw what it was. 

Proud Americans-

April, Julie

I quickly added my name to the list and passed it back to April, who stood up, opening the door. 

"Wait, what are you doing?" I asked, following her. 

"You didn't think this was just going to be us, did you?" She grinned, writing a quick note at the bottom of the page. 

Pls pass on to the next room :) Together we can make a difference!

"No way!" I gasped as she folded it into fourths, slipping it under the door of the room next to us. 

"You didn't think I was just going to stand by and let something like this happen, did you?" April grinned. "I'm not just going to let innocent people spend their entire lives in camps like this. I'm starting the second American freaking Revolution!" 

"With a piece of paper?" I rolled my eyes. 

"It's more than a piece of paper," Julie gritted her teeth. "We Americans are a free people. We have been since 1776. You can't just sweep something like that under the rug in just two years. Somewhere, deep down, we still have that strong belief in American ideals inside us. This will reignite our flame!" 

"I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow," I yawned, walking back inside the room and falling onto my bunk, drifting off to sleep the moment my head hit the pillow. 

Maddie's POV

I gasped as the pressure on my neck relaxed and I was back in the auditorium. No gun. No Rylee. No Trump. 

"Based on the results of this test, some of you have been reassigned to different Circles. You will be told of these changes privately outside," the Head Trumpist said calmly. 

I rose from my seat, along with the other new Trumpists, preparing to be reassigned to Lowly. Obviously, I had badly failed the test. As I exited the auditorium, an older Trumpist pulled me to the side. 

"You're Madeline Udana, right?" 


"The Head Trumpist wants to see you backstage right now." 

"Okay," I gulped. Yeah, I was definitely in big trouble. 

My footsteps seemed to drum to the beat of my frantic heart as I walked backstage, behind a few curtains, to a tiny room with its door slightly ajar. 

"Come in," said Leona Summers, and I slowly opened the door and sat down. 

"I suppose you know why you are here," the Head Trumpist sighed. 

"I think so," I nodded. 

"You know, 68% of this year's new Trumpists shot the simulation of their friend or relative we put in that chair. 19% tried to plead and reason with the simulation of President Trump. 12% shot themselves. Yet, only one decided to shoot Trump," the Head Trumpist smiled grimly.

"I know, I wasn't thinking," I shook my head. "I panicked when I saw Rylee in that chair, and...I just didn't know what to do! Please just send me off to Lowly. That's where I belong, that's where the test said to put me, isn't it?" 

"Yes, according to the rules, you are supposed to be sent to a Third Circle Camp. Yet, all rules can be bent by someone as powerful as me," Leona Summers smiled slyly. 

"Why would you help me like that?" 

"Ah, but there's a catch," she grinned. "Have you ever heard of the Intelligence, by any chance?" 


"It's a top secret organization, led by me," she lowered her voice. "We're Trumpists who are against the President, and seek to sabotage him from the inside. I want you in the Intelligence, Maddie. I think you're perfect for it. Are you up to it?" 

"If the Intelligence wins, will we have America back?" 

"Exactly like it was before." 

"I'm game!" I shook her hand. 

"Good, you're in," the Head Trumpist smiled. "You'll get more information about this later. In the report I send to the President, I will tell him that you shot your friend with almost no hesitation." 

"Sounds good, thank you!" I walked out of the room, a huge, stupid grin on my face. I couldn't believe I finally had a real chance to fight back! This was the best day of my life. 

Leona's POV

I smirked as Maddie walked offstage. So innocent and trusting, these youngsters. They were so desperate for their former lives, they'd latch onto anything anti-Trump without any thought at all! 

Maddie would serve me in the Intelligence undoubtingly, just like they all did. 

After Trump was out of the way, I would no longer have any need of her or the rest of my young Intelligence workers. Then, of course, I would dispose of them...

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