Chapter 41:The day is here

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Matt's Pov
"Hi daddy." Hailey says and I smile down at her.
"Hi baby girl, what do you need?" I say getting ready to go to work.
"Can me come wiff yew daddy?" she asks wrapping her arms around my legs.
"Let me ask mommy sweetie. Riley I have a question for you." I shout making sure she heard me.
She walks into our room. "Yes babe?" she asks picking Hailey up.
"Hailey wants to know if she can come with me to work." I say finishing getting ready.
"I guess its ok with me, does Jacob want to go?" she asks.
"Jacob come in here please." I say as he waddles in.
"Yes daddy?" he asks looking at me.
"Do you want to come with me to work?" I ask him.
"Me stay wiff mommy." he says walking over to her.

Riley hands over Hailey to me. "Alright, you be a good boy for mommy." I say kissing his head.
He smiles. "Me will daddy." he says giving me a kiss and then gives his sister one.
I smile back kissing Riley as Hailey kisses her brother and then gives one to Riley.
"Be a good girl for daddy and your uncles." Riley says to her.
"Me will mommy." she says smiling and I smiles to walking downstairs to the car.
"You can sit on the couch to watch us." I say putting her in her car seat and get in buckling up and drive off.
"Otay daddy." she says listening to music.
"That's my girl." I say parking the car getting out.
She smiles at me as I walk inside.
"Hey guys." I say setting her down on the couch.
"Hey Matty, hi Hailey." the guys says coming over to give her lovings.

"Hi uncwles." she says smiling at them.
"Where's Riley and Jacob?" Brian asks.
"They wanted to stay home while Hail wanted to watched us record." I say kissing her as she kisses back.
"Good enough for me." Brian says as well walk over and pick up our instruments and shit.
Hailey watches us and I start singing Unholy Confessions now.
She smiles and we continue.
About after 5 hours of a lot of rehearing we finish and I walk over to her and she's fast asleep.
"When are you going to hangout with us?" Jimmy asks.
"Well I can drop Hailey off and swing over." I say picking her up.
"Or you can come now." he says.
I deliberate over it for a moment. "Well I guess we'll be ok." I say getting in and drive over to Brian's house and get put and we start celebrating.
My phone goes off. "Hel-lo?" I say slurring.
"Matt where the fuck are you?" Riley says.
"I'm at uhh Bwi's house." I say laughing.
"Where's Hailey?" she asks.
"She's slweeping upstairs." I say drinking more.
"Way to be a good parent and father." she says hanging up and I frown as the guys chug a keg.

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