Chapter Thirteen - Bellflower

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Sixth year was not as I thought it would be. The war, which had been a whisper for quite a long time grew larger. More well known. The prophet was soon littered with news on it. Families were being killed. Both muggle and magic... even the purest of blood, if they rejected the man they called Voldemort they were written for death.

"It's awful isn't it!" Lily said one morning at breakfast as she looked up from the prophet. The now well known dark mark was glowing above a house on the front page. "There is a death in every paper... and students are being pulled out of school." She told me, I nodded sadly. It was quite obvious that there were several empty seats in the great hall this morning.

I took a glance towards Severus, who just so happened to be looking our way. "You love him, don't you?" Lily asked me, catching me looking. I blushed.

"Lily, I am only sixteen..."

"Almost seventeen." She corrected,

"I don't think I know what love is." I told her honestly, she let out a laugh.

Lily patted my hand, "Love is the way you feel for me, for your mother, for Henry, love is easy and hard all at once Dawn. Grab a hold of it when you find it." She said softly, I gave her a warm smile.

"Is that you giving me your blessing Lils?" I asked, she smiled and nodded, I let out a sigh. "I don't know that he feels the same way anymore Lily... he avoids me like the plague... and it breaks my heart... It seems like everything is falling apart." I said softly, she quickly wrapped her arms around me.

I felt her let out a sigh, "It has to get worse before it gets better Dawn. That's what my mum has always said at least."

Her words gave me little reassurance, "I am going to go on a walk Lily... clear my head..." I told her, before leaving the great hall. I felt eyes on my back as I left, but ignores the feeling. I just continued to walk.

I exited the school and made my way over by the lake. I thumped down against the tree and let my mind wonder, and with doing so I let tears fall down my face without a care. I did not hear anyone approach me, and was quite surprised when I heard his voice. It had changed.

"I'm sorry Dawn." He said, "I messed everything up..."

There stood Severus Snape. He looked sleep deprived, he looked broken. It was hard to blame him for anything. "Dawn?"

I looked into his eyes, "Why Severus?" I asked him simply, "Why? I once thought myself one, how can you stand to talk to me? How can you look me in the eyes? Knowing my mother is a sq... muggle, that my gre... friends are muggle borns. How can you stand me? A blood traitor, but call Lily such a foul name? How could you call your friend... a... a... a mudblood." I whispered angrily, he went to speak but I shock my head. "Not only that, but you broke my heart. You kissed me Severus. You, kissed me. Not the other way around. Everything in my life went down hill all at once... and you say your sorry?"

He looked even more so broken, "Dawn..."

"I love you Severus. I am not going to hide it anymore. There is a war coming and who knows how much time I have left... and you see, I have been told to live without regrets... and I would regret not telling you so I have..." I was cut off with a pair of lips on my own, I pushed him away.

"Did..." I cut him off,

I looked to my feet, "Sev, I may love you... but like I said, you broke my heart... and I need to know that that wont happen again." I said softly, "And I am a mess! I am, I truly am... you do not want someone as broken as me."

Severus took a shaky breath, "I only want you Dawn. I love you." He whispered, I felt a tear glace down my face.

"I need to escape from the trap first Severus. I wont be living with my mother or father anymore... I can't stand the constant battle for my custody. I want simple..."

Severus spoke interrupting me, "I want simple too Dawn. We can be simple." He said softly, I chuckled softly.

"Nothing can be simple any more Severus. Not now." I told him, he took my hands.

He then held me tight, "I swear Dawn. I swear... I love you. I will marry you one day. I will give you simple." He promised me, he wiped away a tear that flowed down my face. He softly placed his lips on my check, "Please Dawn... I beg of you... just a chance."

I looked into his dark eyes. "Flowers have meanings." I told him softly, "I suppose that may have been why I enjoyed spending so much time out in a meadow with them. They had their own little stories... and their meaning I took to heart. Bellflowers... disappointment and lost... daisies on the other hand means love and purity and all sorts of good things... Maybe that is why I love the flower so. My mother calls it a weed... me and my mother never got along... things were never simple for me, not even as a child."

"What does that mean Dawn?" Severus asked me softly, "Why are you talking of flowers?"

I gave him a small smile, "Because... flowers show how I feel. How I have never had simple. Maybe Severus, you are my simple..."

Kiss the man you love...

She remembered the words Henry had written to her, what had seemed like a life time ago. "Yes Severus Snape. I will give you a chance."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close, I wrapped my own around his neck, his long black hair tickled my arms, but I did not move away. Our faces grew closer, and as our lips touched fire works went off.

Lily had been right. Love could be simple... but it could also be hard.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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