Chapter Three - Roses

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A couple days after my argument with my mother I stood behind her and Bruce in a flower shop. They were looking at flowers for the wedding. A florist rushed around us showing different samples and making different suggestions. I stood quietly behind wanting to be anywhere but here... right now I would rather be hanging out with my primary schoolmates... that was how bad this was. Bruce kept refusing different flowers that the florist suggested while my mother looked to nervous to voice her own opinion. I was really starting to dislike Bruce. He was not the man I saw my mother marrying.

"What about daisies?" My mother asked, sending a warm look back to me. I was taken by surprise when she mentioned my favorite flower... but wasn't surprised when Bruce let out a mean harsh laugh.

"Daisies! Daisies! Dorothy, are you insane! Do you really want our wedding flower to be a weed!" Bruce chortled, I rolled my eyes at him... but my mother looked quite sad. Like she really wanted the flower to be a daisy. "We will take the roses."

I hated Bruce now. He laughed at my mothers opinion and made a huge decision without asking her thoughts. "Mum," I said softly while Bruce talked to the florist, "Can I go now? I promised Henry that I would stop by for tea again soon... I understand if you want me to stay..."

My mother shock her head, "No, go on Dawn, enjoy your summer... I have to talk to Bruce." She told me, I nodded and gave her a quick hug before running out of the store.

I wore a simple white sun dress today and kept my hair down... though my converses didn't look very girly with the rest of my look I couldn't have cared less. You can't run in heels, but in converses you can run easily... and what is the fun in life if you just can't start running when ever you want to? Who wants to keep life slow and boring?

I continued my quick dash to Henry Chestson's house and gave a quick rap on the door with the brass knocker that hung on the old door. Once again like my last visit I heard the shuffle of feet across the floor before the door was pulled open and I was met by the smiling face of the aging man.

"Good day Henry, mind a cup of tea?" I asked, he laughed and led me into the house and into the dinning room. This time when I entered all the pictures were moving the way they would in a wizards house.

Henry started to boil the tea and then sat down at the small round table. This time he sat down before me, "I must say Dawn, I didn't expect to see you so soon!" He laughed, "Don't you have any friends to spend time with?" He asked me with a happy grin, I laughed and nodded.

"Oh yes, I have several friends from my house at Hogwarts, though I must say that Lily is my closest... she lives in Cokeworth, which is quite a distance from here, so we letter and hope to met up later this summer... she is a muggle born." I told Henry, "And one of my other friends, Severus, lives in Cokeworth as well... though he isn't a Gryffindor student like me and Lily, he is in Slythrin, same house Ethel was in, right?" I asked Henry, he laughed at me.

After a few coughs Henry answered my question, "Yes Ethel was in Slythrin... I was a Gryffindor student in my days at the school... used to be quite the trouble maker!" Henry told me with a chuckle, "I wasn't the type to make prefect you could say."

I giggled at his comment, "Was Ethel a prefect?" I asked curious, Henry nodded smiling.

He let out a sigh, "Ah, me and Ethel were friends from first year you know... though at times I would joke that she was a pain in my arse, well by the time fifth year came round Ethel was made prefect and thought that she could straighten me out... though I think the opposite happened as by the end of that year we were being caught by other prefects snogging in abandoned corridors." He laughed, I snorted as well.

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