Chapter Ten - Salvia

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*six months later*

Dear Lily,

Please Lily. This is the fifth letter I have written, and I fear like the rest it will remain ignored. I am still your friend. I did not say those things. I thought I was one of those. I would never ever use the M word Lily.

I thought you wanted me to be happy! I feel like my life has been wrapped apart at the seams! Things you may not know as you are ignoring me are that Henry isn't doing any better, and we are due to return to Hogwarts in less then a week! My mum and dad are in the midst of a custody war, which you wouldn't understand. I honestly don't want to be with either of them. I just want to be me.

I doubt you will want to hear this, but Sev and I have barely talked since we... Kissed. I feel like k am dying inside, I really do. I am alone.

My mum is starting to get feed up with my constant trips to St. Mungo's, but I need to go because I know that Henry isn't done telling me his story yet. I need to hear what he has to say... And I fear I am running out of time. I know I am running out of time.

Please Lily. I am losing everyone dear to me. You are the closest thing I have to a sister. Lavender, she doesn't count. You have been there when ever I needed you for years... And I don't get why you aren't here now.

It wasn't my mistake Lily. My only mistake was falling in love. It was. He called you that after we kissed! I don't even know where we stand now! Please Lily. Please.

I doubt this will get a reply. I doubt most things now a days. I have to go... Today's my last chance to see Henry before I go to school... I need a chance to say good bye.

I love you like a sister Lily, xox Dawn'

I sealed the letter and handed it to my owl, "to Lily." I whispered to her, and then she flew off and into the distance.

I stood and walked across my room, I wore a sundress I hadn't worn since last summer, the second day I met Henry... But it was one of the nicest things I owned from back then, so I felt that it fit. I fixed my hair some and then wade down the stairs.

"I'm going now mum." I called, "I'll be back later!"

There was no reply. I think the only reason there was a battle for my custody, though it didn't really matter as in less then a year I will be of age and out of here, was because my mum wanted to fight with my dad.

I waked out of my house and clutched my bag tight.

To me it seemed the whole towns mood had changed. While the birds still flew and the children still laughed, it seemed gloomier. Gloomier without Henry Cheston around.

I pulled the keys to Henry's house out of my clutch and unlocked his door.

Walking inside felt different without having Henry greeting me. This year had been the best of my life. Henry had been the best change to my life. He was the only one I could rely on and the only person that still brought a smile to my face.

I walked to his fire place and grabbed a hand full of the green powder that sat in a flower pot. I stepped inside and threw the powder down. "St. Mungo's hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries." I said clearly, before feeling the uncomfortable feeling that I had grown used to over the past few months.

I arrived in the hospital and was greeted with sad smiles, the secretary just have me a nod before I made my way to Henry's room... But he wasn't alone in there, which was a first.

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