Chapter Twelve - Forget-me-not

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I tugged on the black lace sleeves of my dress, refusing to look at myself in the mirror or to bother with make up today. From across the room I heard the light sobs of Lily. She hadn't cried in awhile, but today was hard. Today I said goodbye forever.

I didn't want to.

Like always now a days my parents are competing on who can make me feel better first... I haven't told my mum that the mans funeral she is going to attend today is really her grandfathers. I don't think that is up to me to share.

"Are you ready?" Lily sniffled, I shock my head at her and felt a tear drip down my cheek.

"Its now or never." I said softly, she tried to give me a small smile but failed. It didn't matter though. We made our way out of the dorm and out into the court yard where Dumbledore was wainting for us with a port key. There was no small words of talking, just silence as we grabbed on and were spun away. Back to the village I grew up in.

We landed in the field behind my house. The field that had belonged to Henry, and now was mine. In the distance I could already hear the sad sound of music playing at the church... I grabbed Lily's hand and we slowly made our way to the church. A seat was saved for me in the front row.

There were many people here, some with young faces, some with old, some I had seen around town and others I had never met before... but somehow he had touched each of their lives. But the front row remained empty. It was left out for me and Lily and our families.

It wasn't long, but felt like forever that I starred at a picture of Henry. It didn't take long for me to realize that everyone in this room knew of magic, as his picture moved. He was with Ethel, holding hands and laughing, spinning around and dancing. He looked so young and full of life.

A minister began his long talk about what sort of man Henry was... and it was hard for me to focus on any words. I just starred at the picture, until I was shaken from my thoughts by Lily.

"It's time Dawn." She told me, I stood up without a word and walked forward. I felt every eye, teary and non teary, on me.

I took a shaky breath, "I could go on about how Henry was an amazing man, but instead I want to tell you a story. The story how he was the best thing in my life in a time full of pain. I may not of known him long, and I may not have known him best, but to me he was more then just a best friend. He was more then a neighbor, he was like a father, a grandfather, an uncle. He was everything I needed... and I suppose it all started one day when I arrived home from school. I was never popular back here. I was seen as a freak. Someone awful... but Henry had never looked at me that way. When he saw me he saw a little girl, his little girl, the one who died when she was but a child." I took a shaky breath, "And one day I knocked on his door. I had heard of the passing of his wife... and knew very well what it was like to be the subject of this towns awful gossip. So I knocked on his door, after passing the beautiful planted daisies and asked him if we could share a cup a tea... and so our odd meeting began. He would tell me all sorts of stories, ones of when he was just a boy, ones when he was a young man, when he was a father... he told me of the good and bad in life and soon these visits were everyday, and all to soon I was returning to school... but we had made the promises to write. I didn't know how ill he was that Christmas. It felt no different the way we joked around... and then I got a letter from him saying he was in the hospital. Its no fair. It, I... I needed more time... but there never is enough time is there? One day turns to two and two turns to a week and a week turns to a months and a month to a year... and we slowly make our ways through this messed up thing we call life, and by the end you can only hope you had enough of what we call time. So now I will quote Henry, 'Live adventurously. Everyday is a new beginning. Take a deep breath and soar. You can not let a single moment pass by without treasuring it. Live without regrets and you will live happily.' He wrote that to me in a letter, one that I received after... and have read a million times.

"So now I will quote my headmaster, who comforted me after hearing the news... Do not pity the dead. Pity the living. A saying a say to myself hundred a times a day. Henry Cheston did not die unhappy. He died an adventurer, he died a father, he died a friend, and he still is all those things. He is still adventuring wherever he is now. He is still a father, to two amazing children, one he is now joining, he is still my friend and all of yours. We will see him again. Do not pity the dead. Pity the living. Let Henry remain happy and whole in your memories, not sick and drained the way he was at the end. Be happy that he is now joined with his wife again. Do not cry in sadness, but in happiness that you knew someone as amazing as him. I know that is what I am going to do... goodbye Henry. I will miss you with all my heart. I'll see you again one day."

I whipped away the tears that were streaming down my face. There no longer was a dry eye in the house. I made my way back to beside Lily and just cried. And cried. And cried. And nothing else was expected of us, but to cry.

And that was okay.

"Rest in peace Henry." I whispered softly as the ceremony came to an end.

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