Chapter Two - Lilies

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*Four Years Later*

'Dear Lily,

'I loath home as much as ever. Once again I am being asked questions about where I went and what boarding school would want me at rapid fire. My visit with mum has been fine so far, but then again I have rarely spent any time with her since I have been home. Most nights she is out Bruce, her fiance. I get along with Bruce I suppose, and he makes my mother happy, but he still doesn't know that I am a witch and often how uncommon it is for a fourteen year old girl to have a pet owl.

'There is a local girl who I think might be a witch, though not as powerful as I was at her age. I hope things work out well for her and she is not picked on as much as I was... though now I generally just avoid all people in town. It is better for all of us that way, even though nothing strange happens now... I am so glad I can finally control my magic... just imagine if I continued to blow up flowers.... the horror! (Hope I don't blow up any Lilies)

'Bruce is moving in... which I suppose will be nice... but it just means that sooner or later we will have to tell him how strange his future step daughter really is.... anyway, I am counting down the days until September first... which can't come soon enough! I hope this year we can met up during the summer, I miss you and Sev so very much. I hope Petunia isn't giving you to much trouble, and you know... if she is... you can always tell her about your crazy friend Dawn. Who knows, maybe I will blow up a petunia... all kidding aside, if Petunia hurts you, well you will have an angry Dawn on your hands.

'My next door neighbor, Mrs Cheston passed away while I was gone this year. Her husband is quite sad, but decided to plant a garden of daisies for her, which was her favorite flower. I am planning on going to see if I can have tea with him after I am done writing this letter, he was one of the kinder people in my town and never once called me a freak. I am very glad I had neighbors like them... so I suppose I am very sad to hear that Mrs Cheston has passed on... I will write again soon,

'Dawn Abbot.'

I placed the letter safely in an envelope and set it down on my desk before walking over to the mirror that was apart of my dresser. I had aged a lot since I went to Hogwarts. My face lost some freckles and my hair lightened to a chestnut color. It was ruler straight and rested just below my shoulders. I wore light make up now, not enough that it was overly noticeable, just the right amount for me. 

I smiled at my reflection and grabbed my jean jacket, which currently was resting on my made up bed. The same quilt that I had since a child was spreed across my mattress in a neat way. I quickly pulled my coat on and made my way down the old creaking stairs.

"I'm going out mum!" I called into the kitchen, like usual I got no reply. I continued on my way though, pulling open the door and closing it behind me. I paused outside my house and took in a deep breath of the fresh summer air... it smelt of the flowers behind the house. I smiled in content and made my way down the front path and down the side walk before I quickly reached the front of the Cheston house.

An old brass knocker sat on their door, I lifted my hand and knocked loud enough that the aged Mr Cheston would hear me. I heard the shuffling of feet on the floor from the inside of the house before the door was pulled open and I saw the aged face of my neighbor. 

"Hello Mr Cheston, I'm Dawn Abbot, I live next door." I told him, "I was wondering if we could have tea?" I asked softly, he nodded and gestured for me to come inside his house. I gave him a soft smile, "Thank you sir."

Mr Cheston laughed at my comment, "Please, call me Henry... Mr Cheston makes me feel old, and while I may be, I don't need to be reminded." He said, I laughed and nodded him. He lead the way into a dinning room. There were three chairs at the small round table, and he pulled one out for me to sit in.

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