Chapter Eight - Cherry Blossoms

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'Dear Dawn,

I am glad to hear that you will be returning home for Christmas... And I think it is even better that you decided to met your father in diagon alley during this time... But I also think that you need to tell your mother of your plans. I know this is not what you want to hear, but your mother deserves the truth as much as you do. I hope while you are on break Lily stops in, she is a lovely girl and reminds me of myself, as you at times remind me of Ethel. The both of you even put up with my endless babble!

I haven't heard from my son, which is quite usual, even around this time of year... I guess I was foolish thinking that since his mothers passing he may of changed. I fear now more then ever that he has joined that new organization they are calling Death Eaters... As much as I hate to admit it, it seems like something my son would do... Just not the son I remember raising. One could say that I am losing it with my old age, not remembering how I raised my son... I just wish that I could turn back time.

I remember when I was younger, when we were all young, and happy, how we would travel around. I would research and Ethel would write and the children would laugh and have all sorts of adventures. I can also connect the problem you are having with Severus to these days... My son was just about your age when he started to change his writing ever so slightly, Ethel laughed and said 'He has met a girl!' I shook my head at her back then, 'No,' I said, 'He would tell me if he met a girl.' Ethel was dead set on it though... And began to endlessly pester our boy about what he was doing at school. By the time winter holidays came round he finally admitted his feelings for this girl. A young lady both Ethel and I knew, as we had had her round the house during the summer vacation before... Needless to say neither Ethel or I were surprised.

I once thought that my boy would marry that girl... But by the time he graduated she had moved on. They both had changed and wanted different things... And the night we got word from him that they had ended things Ethel nodded, 'Oh yes it was about time, it's been hard watching my boy be with the wrong girl.' She told me, I gave her an odd look that night, 'The wrong girl?' I had asked, 'I thought they were going to get married!' But Ethel simply laughed and shook her head, 'A mother knows her children, and I know that my son would never be happy with a girl like that in the long hall, but he needed to be with one first to know that.'

At the time I had no idea what Ethel was talking about, but I think I have a better grasp on her words now. You need to talk to your mother about Severus, she will have far wiser words then from an old crack pot like myself. Make things better with her Dawn. Parents aren't here forever, and I guess that is the whole moral of this letter.

Christmas time is coming, and once again I haven't heard from my son... I thought that after his mothers passing, well I thought he would have smartened up. I know better now... But I also must ask you a favour. When my time comes, which it is bound to one day happen, there is a letter in Ethel's tea pot, the one that sits on the table never in use. I want you to give it to my son after I am gone... By hand please, and make sure he reads it. I at least want my son to know that while he may have forgotten me, I shall never forget him. And I shall love him forever, as I love his sister, and now Dawn, I love you as if you were my own daughter.

Take care, these winter months are hard on even the younger generation. I anxioutly await your arrival back home, we can have tea at any point during your break, and I do expect to be seeing you during this break. Send my best to Lily, and if you want, tell Severus I said hello... And watch out.

Wishing you best, lots of love, Henry Cheston.'

I closed the letter and smiled. By the end of the day I would be seeing Henry. I would be drinking tea, sitting down laughing... But before then I had something else to do. Something that would change my life forever.

Tea with my father, who would be collecting me from kings cross station... Not that my mother knew that. She probably just assumed Henry would be getting me, as he is a wizard and it would be easier for him to get me then her.

The compartment door slide open and in walked Lavender, "Do you mind if I sit the rest of the trip with you? I want to make sure I don't lose Dawn... Plus my friends are being super annoying about my brothers. I show them one picture..." Dawn huffed, and I gave her a small smile.

"Sit down, I am sure Lily and Sev don't mind." I told my sister, my two friends smiled and my sister blushed a little at the attention. One thing I had learnt about my sister was that she was extremely shy.

Lavender looked to me, "Are you ready for this?" She asked me, I think she was almost as nervous as I was... And her question was a good one... Was I ready for this? Was I ready to met my father?

Yes. I was ready for this.

"I was born ready." I told her, which caused us all to laugh... Which I was glad. The laughing distracted me... And I laughed the rest of the way, back to London.

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