Chapter Seven - Lilacs

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'Dear Henry,

'School has been lovely so far. Lily was made a prefect, which she is ever so happy about. She talks constantly about it... and her new boyfriend. They have gone on a total of three dates. James Potter, who fancies Lily, is not happy about her having a boyfriend... this leads to him picking on my other close friend Severus who is in Slythrin.

'Classes are a lot more difficult this year. They are in a big huff about preparing us for owls! If another teacher tells me to take notes I may colapse of pain. I swear, my hand is starting to cramp... but that wont stop me from writing you. I would miss you to much if I couldn't send you letters and get them from you.

'I think Severus fancies Lily... which upsets me as I may fancy him.... but I just want him to be happy. I know he wont be happy with Lily... one day its bound to happen, James Potter's big head will deflate some and she will fall in love with him... crushing Sev. On the plus side I don't see James Potter coming down to earth any time soon... so for now we can be happy.

'How's my mum? My whole life has been confusing since I learnt the other side of the story... and I haven't been able to tell my mum that I spoke to my dad... Christmas is coming up fast and I have no idea where I will be spending it... part of me wants to letter my dad and ask if he wants to met... and another part of me wants to letter my mum so we can talk in person... but since she is a muggle it can't be at a Hogsmeade trip...

'Of coarse a large part of me wants to go home for Christmas so I can be with you... but there are my friends to. Lately they have been trying to decide the same, whether or not they should go home for the holidays... when did everything get so complicated?

'I have spoken with my sister on several different occasions. She told me her brothers are home schooled because they started school before they moved back to england... they may be coming to Hogwarts next year... I am nervous for if they do, well how I get along with them?

'To them I may just be Harold's daughter from his first marriage.

'I feel like I can tell you anything Henry... which is nice, because at times I have no one else to tell this stuff to. I am to scared to tell Severus how I feel... Lily thinks I am joking when I tell her that I think one day she and James will be together... and if I talk to either of them about my dad they always get really deep and sentimental.

'Besides all that drama Hogwarts got its first coat of snow yesterday. I have always thought that Hogwarts is a beautiful place, but under snow it is even better. It sparkles... and makes everything seem so much more Christmas like. Lily agrees with me on this... she has already started her Christmas shopping, making me feel like I am so behind on it all. I feel like I need to get a Christmas for my siblings, but I have no idea what to get them! Let alone my dad!

'I know when you read this letter you will laugh and shake your head because it is what you would do if I was teling you all of this in person. You would laugh so hard you would start coughing and need to drink some of your tea to stop.

'Angela will be glad that I am sending her off with a letter. I used her so much over the summer writing Lily, well now she is getting fussy. At night she will come by my dorm and hoot in my ear almost saying 'Dawn you need to send a letter! Dawn you need to send me away so I can fly.' I think she is starting to get board of the Hogwarts owlry. When I am outside she will often fly down and see me.

'How are you doing? Has it snowed back home yet? I feel like I hardly see the town covered in snow, which I used to like almost as much as sitting out in the flower feild. It made the town look so pretty... and less boring and mean. All my class mates there used to go away got christmas, so that was the one time of year I was given peace.

'I hope you are well Henry, I hope to write again soon and hear from you even sooner. Take care of Angela for me, she has taken a liking to you, you know. Love, Dawn.'

I watched as the letter flew off with Angela. I smiled at the thought of my elder friend, but frowned at all the confucion I was facing.

"Dawn, are you ready to go to the villiage?" Lily asked, today was a trip into Hogsmeade. The perfect chance for me to buy some Christmas gifts.

"Yeah... do you have a date today?" I asked her, she and Brent had been together since the start of the school year, so I was suprised when she shock her head no.

Lily sent me a warm smile, "No, today you are going to find Severus the perfect Christmas present that will show him how much you love him!" She sang, I snorted at her but she continued to smile. "You two would be soooooo perfect for each other! It is my mission to get the two of you together before OWLS."

"Lily..." IJ started, she cut me off.

"Dawn, you need to tell him."

I sighed, but followed Lily out of the castle anyway and waited with her in the entrance hall for Severus, "Okay, how does this work into our plan?" I asked her, "I am getting his gift, while he is with us?"

Lily simply laughed and spun around, "Magic!" She sang, and at that moment Severus entered the great hall.

I knew Lily was right. Eventually I needed to tell him how I felt... I just didn't want to lose the friendship that we had when I did.

Friendship meant a lot to me, because as a kid I had no friends. I was picked on and bullied and teased... I let out a frustrated sigh. The two have me an odd look but I simply shook my head.

One day I would tell Severus how I felt, but I just didn't think that day was today.

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