Preference # 3: First Time Saying "I Love You"

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Hello everyone! This time, Fiona will be writing for Phil and Taylor will be writing for Dan. Enjoy! :)

(Phil's was inspired by the image above)


Driving into the heavy fog, Phil's frustration multiples by the second. The radio softly plays a generic pop song as Phil grunts, his frustration prominent.

I gently place my hand on his. "Phil sweetheart, it's alright. The fog will lift soon."

He lets out a frustrated sigh as he runs his fingers through his black fringe, tousling it a bit. "I hope so. I was really hoping for a sunshiny day, not cold and miserable."

Phil and I has decided to go on a nice relaxing drive to distract us from our everyday lives. It was nice getting out every once in a while, just the two of us.

Giggling, I kiss his cheek. "I already have my Sun. It's you!"

He laughs softly. "Nice one, (Y/N)"

"What? Everyone calls you their sunshine." I state, smiling.

He laughs a bit as we continue our drive.

I decide to plug my phone into the USB port and play some of our favourite songs. We sing along and occasionally head band as we laugh and enjoy ourselves even more.

Suddenly, Tyler Joseph's cover of "Can't Help Falling In Love" comes on. I'm a complete sucker for a good Elvis song. Singing along, I stare out the window and notice the clouds have began to separate, the bright and warm sun finally breaking through. It warms up my cheeks as I rest my head against the window.

Little did I know, Phil was stealing the occasional glance at me, watching me sing. I look over at him and smile. "What?"

He grins and pretends he hasn't been watching me. "Nothing."

I just laugh. "No seriously. What?"

He takes a deep breath and his face changes to a serious, but loving expression. "I'm in love with you." He said quietly.

I look at him, brows furrowed. "What was that?"

He talks louder so I can hear him. "I said, I'm in love with you."

My heart stops and my stomach lurches. He just said he loved me. Taking a deep breath, I stammer. "I love you too, Phil." I put my hand on his knee and gently squeeze it.

A comfortable silence lingers as the song ends. An indescribable atmosphere full of love and happiness fill me with a strange sense of satisfaction as we continue to drive.


"Come on (Y/N), it's not that bad we would only miss mathematics and science" Dan stated

My boyfriend Dan was trying to convince me to skip my classes.

"Why do you want to leave so badly anyway?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry for wanting to spend time with my girlfriend" Dan said sarcastically.

"We have plenty of time on the weekend" I said back.

"Yeah but I always have so much homework over the weekend, I'm surprised I have time to eat!" Dan exclaimed.

"Please, you never do your homework" I said.

"Ok that may be true but please it's only two classes" Dan said staring at me with  his beautiful brown eyes.

"Fine" I said back

"Yay! We're just going to tell the lady at the office that you're sick and I need to take you home then she will sign us out and we will be as free as birds" Dan explained.

As the two of us went to the office and told the lady I was ill, she believed us and told me to feel better soon. We got into Dan's car and drove off school grounds.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked

"You'll see" Dan replied with a smirk.

A few minutes later we arrived at a park. Dan grabbed a blanket out of his car and we proceeded to walk into the green grass. We soon found a spot under a large oak tree and sat in the shade for the rest of the day.

When it got dark we moved out from under the tree and gazed at the stars.

"(Y/N), I don't think I've ever told you this and I should have by now" Dan said softly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"(Y/N), I love you" Dan said as he began blushing.

"I love you to Dan"

If you want to stalk us, you can follow us on Instagram: @fiona_cummins and @space__elves  Be sure to comment your Instagrams as well so we can follow you back!

Question Of The Chapter: What's your favourite TV show?

Answers: We both like The Walking Dead and Taylor likes Fullmetal Alchemist as well

Bye guys!

-Fiona and Taylor

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