Dan Imagine: Blind Date

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Hey guys! Here's Taylor's first imagine! Hope you enjoy :)

I sighed as my best friend told me she was setting me up on a blind date.

"Trust me he's a nice guy" She told me.

"What if I have plans that night?" I asked.

"What plans? Because sitting on your couch watching T.V doesn't count" She teased.

I looked at my feet. She nodded.

"Uh huh thought so" she stated. "His name is Daniel Howell and your meeting him at (your favorite restaurant) at five o'clock tomorrow"

"Fine but don't say I didn't warn you that this is going to crash and burn" I said.

"You can say what you want either way you're still going. It's getting late you should go to bed you shouldn't be tired for your date" she said

"Ok, goodnight" I said

"Goodnight (Y/N)"

I walked upstairs and changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I crawled into bed and went to sleep.

"Wake up, (Y/N)" (Your friend's name) said.

"No, it's too early" I replied.

"(Y/N) it's almost noon, get up you need to eat and get ready for your date" she said.

"Fine, give me a minute I'm gonna get dressed"

"Alright I'll meet you downstairs in a few" She said as she was walking out of my room. I reluctantly leave the warm blankets and get ready for the day. I walked downstairs a few minutes later and make some cereal for a late breakfast. (Your friend's name) starts going over what you needed to do to get ready.

After a while I was finally ready to go out. (Your friend's name) wished me luck as I drove off to meet Daniel.

As I arrived at the restaurant I began to feel incredibly nervous. I walk in at five o'clock exactly and I am greeted by a tall, handsome man with gorgeous brown eyes.

"You must be (Y/N), my name is Daniel but you can call me Dan" he says politely.

"Hi I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you as well (Y/N)" he responded

Shortly after we were seated. We made small talk for a while. Then we order our meals. As our conversations carried on I learned we had a lot in common. As the date came to an end and the waiter came with the check, Dan payed and I thanked him.

"You know (Y/N), I wasn't sure how to feel when Phil told me I was going on a blind date however I'm glad I came" He told me.

"I felt the same way but I'm glad I got to meet you" I said as a blush rose to my cheeks.

"Maybe we should meet again sometime?" He asked.

"Yeah we should, I'll give you my number" I said as Dan handed me his phone.

"Thanks, I'll call you later"

"Thank you Dan, for dinner and all that" I said

"Your welcome,I'll see you soon" He told me as he gently kissed my cheek.

"Goodbye, see you soon" I told him.

As I pulled up by our house I opened the door and found (your friend's name) sitting on the couch.

"How was it?" she asked.

"It was alright" I replied

"Did it crash and burn like you said?"

"No, I guess it wasn't that bad"

"I want all the details" She stated eagerly.

"Okay, get comfortable it's a long story"

Sorry this one was way longer than I planned. I'll try to make the next one suck less than this one did.

If you want to stalk us, you can follow us on Instagram: @fiona_cummins and @space__elves Be sure to comment your Instagrams as well so we can follow you back!

Question Of The Chapter:  How old are you all?

Answers: We're both 14 :)

Bye guys!

-Fiona and Taylor

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