Dan Imagine: A Message To Dan

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Hello everyone! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated. School has been really stressful lately, but it will hopefully get better. Anyways, here's a rather sad and blunt imagine, inspired by the image and video above. Enjoy! :) - Fiona

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Sitting in the lounge reading my favorite book, I set it down as soon as I hear Dan's voice. Although it's hollow and soft from where I am, I can tell he's filming a video in his room. Laying back and closing my eyes, I let his voice take over me. It soothes and comforts me in a way that is indescribable. Every once in a while I can hear him laugh. Grinning, I laugh a little as well.

When I hear his talking die down, I decide to go down and see what type of video he filmed. I always did this and it's kind of our tradition for me to watch him edit his video. Even though its a bit of a strange tradition, it's really peaceful and nice. I loved watching Dan look so concentrated and serious about something he's so passionate about. Knocking on his door, he shouts in reply.

"Come in!"

Opening the door, I see Dan cleaning up all his filming equipment. He looks at me and smiles. "Hello."

I giggle a little bit. "Hi." I walk over to him and kiss his cheek. "How did filming go?"

"Good." He answers as he continues to clean up.

I sit on the edge of his bed and watch him. "What's it about?"

"It's a message to my younger self."

I nod and press my lips together. "I see."

After he's done cleaning, he sits down at his desk and opens up his editing program. "Yeah. I think people will like it." Glancing at me, he smiles and gestures for me to come sit beside him in the chair beside him. I walk over and sit down as I watch him put all the footage together and begin editing.

As he begins to add affects and get further into the video, he begins "talking" to his younger self. He starts with criticizing his hair is hair, describing it as "shit." I sorta laugh it off. I mean, we all hair haircuts that we regret from when we were younger. Laughing a little bit, I try and convince him otherwise.

"Oh c'mon Dan, it wasn't that bad. I like your Hobbit Hair. It's cute." I tousle up his hair a bit and he laughs.

The video continues and he leads into saying that he was a huge dork, a nerd and the very definition of a loser. My smile begins to fade a bit. Although he says that it's okay, I couldn't help but to think that he didn't like the way he was and tried to change that. It impacted and hurt me a bit.

The next topic is about not being afraid to stand up for yourself. Thinking that this will be better, I smile and prepare for what he's going to say. Soon after, I realized I was terribly wrong. He continues saying that he was bullied everyday for no real reason at all, and he was actually graceful enough to say it was their own problems that made him the target of bullying, and he just took it. I frown a little bit and start to feel a lot worse. I never knew he went through this, so I felt a bit guilty.

He also talks about some health and self esteem problems, but he doesn't get to deep into that. Something that made me a bit happier was that he realized he's actually quite smart and ha a lot of potential, although nobody realized or acknowledged it. I could definitely still see that in Dan, considering he is very smart, and people have actually started to bring that up a lot more. He very briefly talks about his part time job and that makes us both chuckle a fair bit.

"You seriously sold axes to children?" I ask, half concerned, but half light heartedly. He giggles slightly and nods.

"Yes, I did."

I continue to laugh and watch the video. The humor begins to disappear as he transitions into his next topic; Talk about your feelings. He explains how he thinks none of his friends like him and nobody has time for him. Describing how he kept everything bottled up and how he now realized it was wrong, broke my heart and made my stomach drop slightly. I never could begin to believe he went through things like this. He also dives into the topic of him not believing in his potential and he thought of himself as average and should live an average life.

Tears start to sting my eyes as I take a deep breath. I hated hearing this and how he used to view himself. Part of me wondered if he still felt like this. As he finished up editing, he leans back into his chair and runs his fingers through his hair, sighing in relief.

"Ah, another video done. What did you think of it, (Y/N)?" he asks, grinning.

My lip trembles as tears pour down my cheeks. I lunge into him and sob into his chest, holding his sides tightly. He jumps a bit and tenses up, but soon relaxes and starts to rub my back.

"Shh... It's alright, love. You're okay." He whispers as I heaved and gritted my teeth. Giving me a chance to settle down, he kisses my head and continues to try and soothe my nerves. "Why are you crying?" he asks faintly. Sniffling and swallowing, I stammer.

"Do.. you r-really think all those t-things?"

Furrowing his brows a tad, he looks at me. "What things? The things in the video?" I nod and he lowly chuckles. "So that's what this is about, huh?" he smiles solemnly. Pressing his lips together, he closes his eyes and hangs his head.

 I stare at him, my eyes sore and puffy. He breathes slowly and faintly, as he holds his face in his hands. Nobody says anything for a short while, when he finally uncovers his face and mumbles.

"I did. I can't deny it."

I fiddle with my sweater a bit, not really wanting to hear that. "Do you still think all those things?"

He lets out a small laugh, trying to make light of the situation. "Not as much as I did."

I tear up again and ball up my hands into fists. Dan finally raises his head and notices I'm crying again, so he quickly grabs my hand and rubs it with his thumb, making small circles. "I'm alright, (Y/N). Trust me."

With a subtle hint of anger I snap at him. "Well, I've got a message for your current self. Dan Howell, you are an absolutely extraordinary human being who constantly makes people happy and you're so amazingly creative and loving and caring and smart and wonderful. You're astonishingly handsome, curls or no curls, dressed up or dressed down. You have a wonderful, warming and hilarious personality that people adore and are gravitated towards. You never fail to put a smile on my face and make me feel incredibly beautiful and amazing and loved. I love you more than word or actions could ever begin to express and I feel like I don't deserve to be with such an stunning person as yourself. You have so many people who love and care and adore you. You've created such an outrageous and rare friendship with Phil, and he truly cares about you as well.  You deserve an endless amount of happiness and joy and if you can't see that then you need to pull your head out of your ass and finally live in reality. "

I pant slightly as Dan looks at me, astonished and shocked. As I did to him before, this time, he lunges into me and starts to shake and cry. I hold him, rubbing his back and cradling the back of his head. He nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck as he breathes jaggedly. "T-Thank you, (Y/N). I love you so, so much, please don't ever forget that, okay?" Dan whispers with tear stained cheeks.

My voice shakes. "I love you too, Dan. I'll never stop loving you."

... so how was that? I didn't really know how to end it, but I'm actually pleased with how it turned out. Sorry for any emotional stress I may have caused. *Nervous laughter*

If you want to stalk us, you can follow us on Instagram: @fiona_cummins and @space__elves Be sure to comment your Instagrams as well so we can follow you back!

Question Of The Chapter: Favorite quote?

Answers: Mine would probably be "Quiet is the new loud" or "Know this: You can start over each morning." ( A Tyler Joseph quote) and Taylor's is "In other words, keep your bad vibes out of my cornflakes. I'm not interested." ( A Gerard Way quote)

Bye guys!

-Fiona and Taylor

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