Chapter Thirty-Three.

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*Brynnley Ann*

It was 3:16 in the morning when I woke with a jolt. Pain was shooting through me like electricity. I groaned and sat up panting and hurrying as fast as I could to Harry's room. I threw the door open and it banged against the wall hard. He flew out of bed.

"Jesus Christ, Brynn! What are you doing this early barging into my room!?"

"Harry," I breathed out before taking a sharp breath in, "Babies are coming. Now!"

"Now!? No no no! Ugh! I'll go get your mom and dad!"

"I'd appreciate that very much!"

He ran downstairs as I walked back into my room huffing and puffing. I grabbed the bag I had in case this was to happen. I slipped on shoes and met Harry in the hall where he helped me down the stairs.

"Come on honey, you've got it!" My mom told me.

"Easy does it sweetheart. No reason to worry. Everything will be fi-" My dad tried.

"Guys! I'm in labor! Pain! Don't tell me everything will be fine! And yes we do need to hurry because I am not having kids in a damn car!"

Harry pushed me along and opened the door for me.

"Just breathe and hold my hand. I'm here for you."

I trusted Harry, but his touch was just family. I wanted Niall.

"Can you call Niall?"

Harry nodded, "Of course! How could I have forgotten!"

He dialed his number quickly and we waited.

No answer.

He tried again.

No answer.






And yipeee!!!! No luck. Again.

He called us back.

"Well mate, I just called you five million times because we are on our way to the hospital because Brynnley Ann is in labor!"

"Of course she's fine! Ya know, just the usual horrific pains of two children beginning the process of popping out of her-"

My dad gave Harry a look which mad Harry stop what he was about to say.

"You know what, just get your ass in a car and get to the damn hospital, alright?"

He hung up.

"Please tell me he is not bringing that road trash along," I pleaded.

Harry sighed and shook his head, "I honestly don't know."

I just wanted Niall and Niall only. Not Becky. I was having Niall and I's baby, Becky wasn't involved except for the part where she threatened to destroyed my babies if Niall dumped her. I swear I will get her one day.

We arrived at the hospital and I was shoved into a wheelchair and pushed to my room where I was put in a gown and propped up in bed.

"Here comes another contraction," Harry warned as I grabbed his hand.

"Eeeeeeugh! Ugh!" I cried through the pain and after thirty seconds it ended.

"Where the hell is Niall!" I screamed.

I was laying in bed in pain when Niall called Harry.


"Niall! She's in labor!"

"I don't care!"

"Oh. Oh. Well tell Becky to stuck it!"

"I don't care if she heard me! Brynn is in labor at the moment with your twins, daddio, so get your ass in gear and the London pronto!"

Harry slammed his cell down and I looked at him, "Harry...What the hell?"

"Niall isn't in London. He's in Ireland fixing to take the One Direction private jet here. He should be here in two hours."

"He's in Ireland!? I am nine months pregnant doesn't he understand that a woman gives birth at nine months!? He should have been here with me preparing!"

I was beyond furious. Niall James Horan, so help me I will kill you when you arrive.


It was currently 10:09. Almost seven hours in labor. Niall was still not here because they had troubles with the damn jet and Becky was 'too tired.' Well bitch I'm tired as hell at the moment! Get over it and shut the fuck up!

Thirty minutes later the contractions were seconds apart.

"Alright Brynnley Ann, you ready? Just about two more minutes." Doctor Thomas told me.

A nurse came in, "Someone by the name of Niall Horan is here."

"Oh god, let him in!" I screamed.

Niall ran in and kneeled beside me.

"I'm here now baby."

"Yeah no shit! Where the hell have you been!"

Another contraction hit and the doctor said, "It's time."

I pushed as hard as I could gripping Harry's hand and Niall's.

I pushed and pushed and pushed.

"I see the head! Keep going!"

I pushed as hard as I could and did it once more when the doctor picked up a baby and handed it go the nurse.

"A girl," the doctor announced.

I pushed again and again, desperate to get the boy out.

"Ho ho hold it!" The doctor exclaimed.

"I can't hold it!!" I yelled.

"The cord is around his neck! He is turning purple!"

"What!? Get him out, doc!"

"Hurry doctor!" Harry yelled.

He grabbed some tools and tried to cut it.

"I can't cut it. It is wrapped around to tightly. Brynnley Ann we need this baby out now so I can cut the long end and unwind it!"

I pushed with all my might.



The doctor quickly snapped the line and unwrapped the cord.

"Hurry! Get him to the nursery and get some oxygen in him!"

They wheeled away my babies.

"No!" I yelled after them, but it was no use. My babies were gone and I hadn't even gotten to look at them.

I began to cry, "Oh dear lord save my baby boy please!"


Dun dun dunnnn!


I will write tomorrow! :)


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