Chapter Thirteen.

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~Brynnlie Ann's POV~

I opened my eyes, yawned, and set up as I woke up. Something caught my eye. I looked down and saw Niall laying beside my bed on the floor covered in a blanket. What was he doing in here? "Niall?" He didn't move. "Niall." He stirred. I went to step over him when I slipped and fell...landing on Niall's hand. Oops. He woke up startled. "'re kind of on my hand." Niall said. "I know...I kind of slipped and fell on it...sorry!!!" I said bitting my lip. "Haha, you're adorably clumbsy. I love that about you. That's one of the many things." "Aww, thanks, I love your Irish charm and that's one of the many things I love about you." He blushed. I love the effect I have on him. I stood up and went towards the door, "No!" Niall jumped up, "Don't go. Come lay down with me for a few minutes...PLLEEAASSSEEE" Niall begged. I laughed and walked over to Niall. "Fine, but we're laying on the bed!" I said. "Deal!" He said with a big grin. We climbed under the covers and we layed back against the pillows. I turned to see him looking at me smiling. "What?" I asked. "Oh nothing, I was just looking at my bea-u-ti-ful girl." Aww, he's so cute. "Who? It obviously can't be me." "What! You are to most beautiful girl in the whole world!! And the most special gift from God I could've have beautiful and NEVER let someone tell you different!!" he exclaimed. I looked at the ceiling then snuggled into his chest and with his amazing arms holding me. "I'm sorry, Niall. I just feel like you could've gotten anyone in the world and you picked me and I don't understand because I'm not as pretty as a lot of other girls." I tear shed from my eye. "Hey, don't cry. Please don't. When your sad I'm sad. And who cares if I could've had anyone I wanted. I only want you." He kissed my head and I looked up. He was two inches from my nose and once again I was lost in his eyes. His eyes flickered to my lips and mine looked at his and back into his eyes. His head started to lower closer to mine and our noses touched. His hand raised and rested on my cheek and I put my hand behind his neck. I looked into his eyes. "Just kiss me already," I said. He laughed and I smiled. And he obey. Our lips connected and it was just magical. Not unicorns, rainbows, and fairy kind of magical, but the kind of magic like fireworks above Cinderella's castle at Disney World. Beautiful. We drew back and opened our eyes. We smiled widely. Who wouldn't after a kiss like that. "Wow, our first kiss," I said. "Well," Niall started. What?

~Niall's POV~

"Well, it's not exactly our first..." I explained. "What do you mean," Brynnlie looked confused. "This morning, Liam and I had just set you on the couch and I kissed you and you woke up." "Oh....was I good?" She laughed and so did I. "As great as any sleeping beauty could ever be!" I responded. She blushed. "You're so cute when you blush," I said. "Shut's all because of you." I kissed her nose. "You're blushing even more!!" I exclaimed. She laughed and kissed my cheek. *clapping* we turned towards the door to see Louis standing there with his phone out. "I've gotta tweet this!" he said all girly and giggly. "Do you have a twitter, Brynn?!!!" he asked. "Yeah, its "@BrynnlieAnn. Capitalize the B and A." she said. Her phone dinged and we looked at it. There was a picture of her kissing my cheek and me smiling.

@LouisTomlinson: @NiallOfficial and @BrynnlieAnn this morning. TOO CUTE!!! LOVE YOU GUYS xx!!!!

There were already comments.

@OneDirectionClique: Who's Brynnlie Ann!!!!!

@1DFannnn: Niall has a girlfriend?!!!!

@BeachBlondeBum: Is she pretty?

I went and grabbed my phone.

@NiallOfficial: @OneDirectionClique & @1DFannnn -- She's my wonderful, beautiful girlfriend. @HarryStyles cousin. @BeachBlondeBum -- she's much more.

@BrynnlieAnn: Aww :) @NiallOfficial!! Stop it! You're going to make me blush! @LouisTomlinson I love this picture :)!!! Send it to me!!!!

@HarryStyles: OH GOD! @NiallOfficial HANDS TO YOURSELF!!!!!

@OneDirectionClique: @NiallOfficial Aww :)!! Post more pictures together!!

@BeachBlondeBum: Oh, okay... @NiallOfficial

@1DFannnn: Awee!! You're so sweet @OfficialNiall!!!!

@Niall'sWholeWorld: Why her? I mean Niall, I thought you had better taste that that fugly animal.

"Fugly animal?" Brynnlie Ann's voice croaked. A tear fell down her cheek. "What do you mean?!" I asked her. Lou held out his phone. "I think I know why." This girl was going to get it. "Wtf! Why would someone do that!! I'll handle this." I said angerly.

@NiallOfficial: Excuse me @Niall'sWholeWorld! Why in the hell did you do that!!! She's not fugly! You just made her cry, ya know that! Yeah, so keep your trap SHUT!! @BrynnlieAnn is beautiful and out of every girl IN THE WORLD, she's the most beautiful and is the most important thing in my life! I will always be by her side. And I don't even care if I lose my fans! As long as I have her, my life is complete. And just think how mad @HarryStyles will be once he sees what you did to his cousin and best friend.

Brynnlie's phone ding and she started smiling. She turned to Lou, "Get your camera out," she said with a smile. She looked at me, placed her arms behind my neck and I knew what she was going to do. We leaned in and she kissed me. It was amazing. After Lou's camera clicked, she still kept kissing me. She stopped and looked at me, "Thank you. You're the best guy in the world." Our phones ringed and we saw the picture on Twitter.

@LouisTomlinson: What @OfficalNiall gets after defending @BrynnlieAnn. Ahh :) young love. I love them :)!!!

@BrynnlieAnn: I love you too, Lou :)!!

@OfficialNiall: I love you my little British crumpet ;)!!!!! @BrynnlieAnn Hey :'(! What about me!!!!!

@BrynnlieAnn: @OfficialNiall, Hey! you got two kisses this morning! You get what you get and don't throw a fit :)!!

@LouisTomlinson: Oh you two :) @OfficialNiall @BrynnlieAnn

@Niall'sWholeWorld: See @OfficialNiall. She doesn't deserve you! She already saying she loves Louis!

@BrynnlieAnn: OMG, @Niall'sWholeWorld would you just GO AWAY ALREADY!!!!! I love Lou like a brother! God, just leave me and @OfficialNiall A-L-O-N-E!!!! GOT IT!!

@OfficialNiall: @Niall'sWholeWorld Look, just leave us alone. I really am tired of this. Oh, and btw, Brynnlie Ann's my whole world.

"Ugh, why won't she leave us alone!" Brynnlie yelled in fruastration. "Because she wants to be you." I told her. She nodded and rolled her eyes. I put her on my lap. "Hey, don't worry. You'll always be my entire world no matter what. So you don't have to worry." I said. She smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder, "I'm so lucky I met you." I smiled, "You got that right!" We all laughed. And Lou's camera clicked again and he showed us the picture. "That's a keeper," I said. "Send them to us, PPPPLLLEEEEAAASSSEEEE! And we'll put Brynnlie's number in." he nodded and Brynnlie Ann typed her number in and he sent the pictures. I put the one of us kissing as my lock screen and the one of Brynnlie Ann on my lap as my home screen and she put both as both in a collage. I had to say.....I loved our pictures together....I loved her.

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