Twenty Three.

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~Brynnlie Ann's POV~

Oh my god, way to go Brynn! Ugh! Just deny everything and slam the door in their faces even though your boyfriend heard you. Smart move, slick! You'll have to face them eventually. Maybe just casually sing along with the radio? NO! Just forget everything and maybe they will too, ya know. Yeah, like that'll work.... I checked myself in the mirror thinking of what to wear. Hmm.....might as well dry your hair first so your clothes aren't wet, Brynnlie. Man, this really isn't my day!!

I've never known why but my hair looks super duper blonde after blow drying it. Like no joke. I grabbed a pair of Miss Me Jeans (Yes, I know I know, I'm a brit. But I lived in the US most of my life and I must say, my so-sad-too-flat-to-be-a-butt looks desent in these jeans!), a pink tank, and a white lace short sleeve shirt to wear over it that cinches up at mid stomach. I straightened my bangs in position and brushed my hair once more and sprayed on a little Malibu Heat perfume. I grabbed my phone off from the nightstand and slipped on some white sparkly Toms. When I walked out of the room I heard the boys talking in Lou and Harry's room. "I'm telling you Zayn, she can absolutely sing," Niall said. "I just don't see why she wouldn't have told me....we used to be so brother and sister.....she wouldn't keep something like this from just doesn't make any sense! We tell each other everything!" Harry screamed. Is it wrong to feel a little guilty? "Shh...guys! I think she can hear us." Liam said in a whisper. The boys heads whipped around the corner and I pretended to be on Twitter. "How much of that did you hear?" Harry asked. "Uh, of what?" I looked up pretending to be confused. Everyone bought it but Harry. "You're lying. Kanga, I know you. Don't act like you don't know what's going on." "Alright, alright! I over-heard y'all talking. Yes, I didn't tell you, Harry, but what was I suppost to do! When you went on X-Factor I watched the you tube videos of you singing and I'm not talented like you are! I didn't want you to know I sang. I will admit, I did sing every week for these school things we had. My best friends Ava and Alex did it with me and it was a lot of fun. Ava told me that I should tell you but I wouldn't dare be humiliated. She told me I was an amazing singer and that I should just tell you but I was scared of what you would think so I didn't. I'm sorry, Haz!!" Tears pricked my eyes and the boys stared at me, wide-eyed, not making a sound. "STOP STARING AT ME! SPEAK!" I screamed, annoyed at the silence we shared. "Couz, I would never bring you down like that. Don't you believe me?? I love you like a sister and I am always here for you." "You weren't there for me, Harry! I moved across the world to another country and you went off and became famous! I was alone. I wanted you, I wanted you to be by my side. I always thought of you when I sang knowing I was related to THE Harry Styles that the girls at school drooled over. I even was bullied because of my last name. Others thought that kissing up to me would help raise their chances with you. You being famous didn't help me! I didn't tell you this because I didn't want to interfere with your dreams." This caused another silence. The floor suddenly became interesting to me. "I want to hear you sing," was all Harry said before Liam ushered us out the door to eat. Once in the car Harry spoke again, "I just want to hear you." I sighed. Everyone was silent. I looked up to meet Harry's eyes. "No...but I don't think I have a chance." the corners of his mouth slightly curved upward as I searched for a song. I played Red by Taylor Swift. The music started and the lyrics poured out of me like a waterfall,

"Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead in street, faster than the wind, passionate as sin ended so suddenly..Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through the free fall, like the colors in autumn so bright just before they lose it all...Losing him was blue like I've never known, missing him was dark grey, all alone, forgetting him is like trying to know somebody you never met, but loving him was red. Loving him was red. Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you..memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song...fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there's no right answer..regretting him was like wishing you'd never found out that love could be that strong...." I ended there because I was cut off by clapping. I opened my eyes not exactly remembering closing them. "You should have told me! That was amazing, Kanga!!!" I blushed probably the shade of crimson. "Whatever, you're just trying to be nice..." I said twisting my hair around my finger. "I'm not! That truly was awesome!" Harry screamed and the guys agreed. "Luckily I recorded it!" Zayn yelled. "WHAT! ZZAAAYYYNNNN! WHAT!" I was suddenly scared of what he was going to do. "I am posting this on You Tube for our fans to show you how amazingly talented you are!" I groaned, "Noooooooo!" "Oh yes!" Zayn cheered as he posted it. "Look! Already 2,899 views and 610 comments saying how great you are!" He was right, the comments sad stuff like 'Omg, she's awesome!' 'Isn't that Harry's cousin? She's talented! It must run in the Styles family!' 'Great talent there!' 'Holy cow, greatness there!' 'Next famous Styles!!' "Ohmehgawd! Zaynnie, I hate you!!" I squealed. "Well they obviously love you!! Come to our studio tomorrow and let Paul listen to you, then you can listen to what he says, okay?" Zayn offered. I thought for a moment, "Okay, fine." He clapped and Lou shouted "We'reee hereeeee!!!" We pilled out of the car and appeared in front of Chili's. Niall held my handed and we headed for the door. "Table for six, non-smoking please," I asked the lady. "Sure thing." She looked about age 43ish. She lead us to a booth and gave us our menus. "I'm getting the yummiest burger ever!" I said pointing at my usual loaded bacon burger. Niall looked as if he couldn't decide between one half of the menu or the other. "Hello, my names Veronica and I'll be y'all server this evening, how may I help-ONE DIRECTION?!!!" "Ahh, yes I'll have sprite please," I said as she drooled over Harry. "Uh, excuse me. I would like a sprite and you to stop eye-balling him, please." I said rudely this time getting her attention. "Sure, whatever bitch." she responded. "I will have water and I ask you don't call my girlfriend a bitch, thanks," Niall said with a kind of pissed off tone. "SHE'S your girlfriend, great taste. What? Forgetting to clean your eyes out daily?" Daayyyummm, this girl's got an attitude! Boy, I outta.... "I want water also, and a new waitress," Zayn said while looking through his menu. "Well I want sex with him," the girl said pointing at Harry. "Woah! What are you 14?! Lay off my cousin, take out orders, and leave, you psycotic piece of shit!" I hissed as Liam pulled over the lady that gave us our table. He told her something and she scurried off. "Look who's talking, skank!" Veronica fired back. I was ready to claw her eyes out by this point. "I don't want sex with some whore like you, now leave her alone!" Harry screamed furiously. The older woman came back with a man. "Veronica Willson you are fired this instant and I will call the police if you do not leave NOW!" She huffed, flicked me off, and stomped away. "I am SO sorry for her. She'll a little twit. Bailey," hs gestured towards the older lady, "will now be your server," and with that he waltsed away. "Now let's see, I have a sprite, and two waters written down, what would the rest of y'all like?" she asked kindly. "Dr. Pepper," Lou said. "Same for me," Harry smiled and the lady hurried off to get our drinks. "Way to go, Brynna!!!" Louis said, "I thought you were about to stab the twat!!" "Trust me, if my silverware wouldn't have still been wrapped up, I would've." I said heated. The lady served us and we ordered, ate, paid, and left. My phone read 8:03. "Should we catch a flick?" Liam asked and we agreed. "Ooo! Let's see Here Comes The Boom!!!!!" I screamed and Zayn and I fist pounded as everyone nodded. We sat through the film and went home. It was now 10:30, "Be ready to go at 7:45!!" Liam sternly said and we groaned going our seperate ways. I slipped on my pajamas and Niall took a quick shower, pulled on some boxers and climbed in beside me, his strong arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me into him. I traced his abs and softly fell to sleep to the sound of Niall's breathing. Was it the sleep taking over or did I actually hear Niall whisper "I love you," in my ear?........

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