Chapter Thirty-Four

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*Brynnley Ann*

I couldn't sleep that night. I was too depressed. The doctor allowed me to hold my baby girl, but sadly said my boy had to be kept in the nursery and that I couldn't see him. And you would think that Niall, my parents, and Harry could at least go look at him through the glass...but they had stuck him in a separate room to get all the care he needs.

Everyone was asleep. The other boys promised to come by tomorrow, but I didn't want to see anyone.

I just wanted to feel my two babies in my arms.



"No Becky, I need to be here with her!" I yelled through the phone.

"Niall, I want to have lunch with you, is that too much to ask?!" I could hear her fake crying.

"I'll be there in twenty," I sighed hanging up. Then a lightbulb went off.

"Harry. I have a plan..."


"Becky, I need to go see Brynnley Ann."

She gave me a pouty face, "Can't we just...ya know....lay here?" She petted the bed.

I shook my head.

"You aren't still in love with her, are you?" She glared at me.

"Where'd you get that idea?"

"Niall, you need to forget about her. Just because she is the mother of your children doesn't mean you need to love her! You need to love me! Don't you even think of leaving m-....Well I know you won't. You already love those kids and if you leave me for her, you know what I'll do. They will be destroy-"

A high squeal went off and I immediately hit my stomach.

"What the fuck is that! It sounds like some high fequenc-"

She glared at me and grabbed my shirt lifting it, "You were recording me!?"

She punched me square in the mouth right as police barged through the door.

"You're under arrest for threatening to murder. Anything you say can and will be held against you."

"Niall! How could you!" She screamed.

Harry had walked in with the police and high fived me.

"We did it. She'll never get to Brynnley Ann or your kids, mate. Thank god that crazy bitch is going to be locked up!"

I nodded, "Thanks guys. I appreciate it," I said to Harry and the police officers.

They nodded, "Just doing our job."

We watched as they grabbed a screaming Becky out the door.

"Niall, we should probably get back to the hospital," Harry said.

I grabbed my keys and we ran out the door.


*Brynnley Ann*

I was laying in bed watching TV when Doctor Barns came in, "Ms. Styles, I am terribly sorry for the wait. Now, I must explain to you that your son and daughter are both ready to go home and so are you, but you must keep an oxygen mask on the boy for the rest if the week. Y'all can all three be released tomorrow."

I nodded, "Thanks doc."

I expected him to just walk put and leave me alone, but instead he opened the door and in walked Harry carrying a baby with a pink blanket and Niall carrying a baby with a blue blanket while pushing an oxygen tank along with him.

I gasped as Harry and Niall handed me both babies and I smiled finally for the first time in weeks.

"They're beautiful," I grinned.

"They take after their mother," Niall whispered.

Then something caught my eye. It was on my baby boy's finger and I slid it off, my hand shaking.


Him and Harry smiled and Niall took the ring from my finger, getting on one knee.

"Brynnley Ann, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, the sweetest, the overall most amazing person I've ever met. We have created two adorable children... Would you do the honor of marrying me?"

I nodded, "Yes," I whispered. He slipped the ring on my finger and I kissed him with everything. I had. I missed him. I missed kissing him. I missed falling asleep and waking up by him. I missed holding his hand and getting his famous Horan Hugs. I missed him more than anything. We pulled apart and something struck my mind.

"So, what about Becky?"

Him and Harry exchanged glances, "She in jail."


Harry nodded, "We'll explain later!"

"Ya know, she actually wanted me to name the girl Rebecca....HELL TO THE NO."

They laughed, "So what are my little cousins' names!?" Harry smiled excitedly.

Niall and I looked at each other and he nodded at me.

"Aden Blake and Venice Blaire."


And that is the ending of Love At First Sight. My best friend told me to do a sequel so I will start that soon :) this story sucked in the beginning... hell, it probably sucked the whole time! But thank you for reading it :) it means a lot. I will let you all know what the sequel will be called and when it has been posted so do NOT delete this story now! Thanks again :)

Lindsay :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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