Twenty Seven.

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~*Brynnlie Ann*~

"Annie, we need to talk." Liam stated as I was playing with a little crab in the sand. I mentally gulped....Is that even possible? I guess so. Weird. "About what?" I pretended not know what he was talking about. Niall went to get some ice cream with Louis and Harry while Zayn was tanning. "You acted strange earlier when I asked you about your scar. I could tell you were lying about being born with it and you hurried off quickly as if you wanted to ignore the subject." I sighed. I honestly could trust Liam. "Alright, sit down... I never told anyone this because it hurt too much. Before I moved to the U.S, Harry always was my protector. He was like a big brother to me and he always beat up the boys that tried to hurt or bully me. Well people picked on me a ton when I was in school and it followed me for a long time. Whenever Harry was on X-Factor, the girls at school new I was relatef to him. They said they could see a resemblance and begged me to hook them up with him. I told him I couldn't because I hadn't seen or spoken to Harry in about nine years. They started bullying me and by they I mean the group of populars. These girls had guys wrapped around their every little finger following their every move and obeying their every command. I was walking home from school once and my friends weren't with me so I was alone. The group followed me and the guys cornered me in an alley while the girls came up behind. The leader, Janessah, asked me...well more like threatened, 'You are going to hook me up with my future husband Harry Styles, are you not?' and I screamed at her losing it saying, 'You little bitchy cunt, I won't listen to you. You may have these dumb idiots wrapped around your every word but I can't be fooled. I won't allow you to break my cousin's heart if he would even go for a slutty whore like you. Again, for the last fucking time, I haven't seen or spoken to Harry since I was seve and I don't intend on now for yourself.' With that she smirkef and nodded to the boys who each held a limb and turned me over and covered my mouth as Jannessah grabbed the nearest piece of sharp, rustic metal and sliced open my side. She kicked me in the gut and face several times with her stelletos before they all walked away leaving me to bleed to death in the alley. After what seemed like forever, I passes out and woke up in the hospital later after two weeks of being in a coma. The doctor said I had lost way over half of my blood percentage and luckily a teenager walking home from their Starbucks shift saw me and he called 911. They said I was close to losing my life. I begged my parents not to let Harry know because I was scared he'd blame himself for becoming famous. Sadly for me, all my coaches never thought I would run or play sports for then again because of my injury that was there on my side and the brokeness. I had stiches for several months and was in horrible condition from blood loss, the cut, and the metal. Most of it flowed out with the blood but not all. I also suffered 5 broken ribs from the kicks, a broken arm, I had gashes covering my face and stomach, and bruises all over. Some teeth were loose but the dentist helped with that and plus I had my permanent retainers still. I slowly recovered but I will never forget the memory. And now you know why I never wanted to have anyone know. Not because of my sake of almost dying, but because I didn't want Harry to blame himself." "Oh Annie. I'm so sorry. You don't know how incredibly horrible that is to hear. I really think you should tell Harry. He deserves to know," Liam calmed me as tears slowly poured out. He rocked me back and forth in his arms and shushed me soothingly. My side panged with pain thinking about the agony I went through for months. "I think I will tell him. I just hope he isn't upset with me," I sniffled as I saw the boys in the distance walking back. "I can come with if you want. Whenever you're ready." "Thank you, Leeyumm. I'll probably say it at dinner when everyone's there." "Sounds great." I gave him a hug. It really felt good getting that out. Niall came over and handed me a waffle cone with mint chocolate chip ice cream in it, "I thought of you, babe....AND I DIDN'T EVEN EAT IT!!!" He beemed proudly. I laughed and kissed him. I took a bite and mumbled a thanks. "BRYNNNNNNNNNLIEEE ANNNNN KATE STYLES!!!!!!!!!!" A familiar voice yelled. "LOUUUUISSSSSS WILLYUMMMM TOMLINSONN!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I bellowed back as we ran at each other. "HEY BRYNNLIE ANN!!!" "HEY LOUIS, VAS' HAPPENIN'!!!!!" "Don't be so loouuuudd, Bri!!" "Sorry, Lou," I whispered. "ANYWHO!!! Eleanor wants to meet you sooooo, can we go back home?" "Sure! I wanna meet her too so let's gather the guys and go!"


"Eleanor, this is Brynnlie Ann. Brynnlie A-" "We get it, Lou. Hi Eleanor! I've been DYING to meet Lou's lover!!!" I said hugging her. "Same here!!! Let's go have some girl talk!!" She squealed. "Bye babe," she said kissing Lou sweetly. I turned and Niall and did the same as we ran into Niall and I's bedroom leaving the boys in Harry and Lou's room. "THANKS YOU GUYS! LIAM, ZAYN, AND I FEEL THE LOVE!!" Harry yelled wuth fake sadness. We giggled, "Get over it, Roo!!" "GASP! I'M HURT KANGA!!!!" I laughed again and shut my bedroom door to give El and I privacy. "So, how long have you and Louis been together?" I asked. "Six lovely months." "Aww, so cute!!! I can see why Lou fancies you so much! You're gorgeous!!" She really was stunning. Her long dark hair was straightened and she was very fashionable. "Thank you so much! You're beautiful as well!!! No wonder Niall fell in love so easily with you. He's pretty damn lucky. How long have y'all benn dating?" "Thanks! And let's see...three months." "Sweet! He really seems to like you a lot. Have y'all.....ya know...." "OH GOD, EL!!! Uhh.....well.....last night was our first time.....THE GUYS DON'T KNOW!!" She laughed, "It's alright! Lou and I have several times too! Did you lose...'it' to him?" "Yepp..." I said popping the "p" at the end. "ADORABLE!!!! SAME HERE!! Well not Niall but Louis." "Haha, yeahh." "OMG!! WE SHOULD DOUBLE DATE TONIGHT!!! I'm only here for a week." "YES!!! Let's go tell the boys!"


"Oh.My.God. El, you are a miracle worker!!" I grinned looking at my hair and make up. She curled my blond hair and gave me a bump with my bangs while giving me a waterfall braid on my left side of my hair. She applied a thin line of eye liner on my top eye lid and a shinning copper penny colored eye shadow making my bluish-green eyes pop. She curled my eye lashes and put on mascara so the fanned out and looked brilliant. Eleanor's hair was still straight but had like the front and top layer of hair pulled back with a black bow and that part that hung like a pony tail was curled. It looked AH-MAZING! He make up was simple. Sparkly skin-toned eye shadow, cat liner on top eye lids, and curled eye lashes with mascara like mine. We each had concealer where we needed it. Now to our outfits she picked out. I was wearing red skinny jeans, a white tank with a blue sweater with ¾ sleeves and blue converse. Eleanor wore white skinny jeans with a purple tank with a black tank underneath and glittery, black toms. I grabbed some braclets and slipped the bangles on my wrist along with a bow braclet I loved. Niall's necklace he gave me when he proposed to me to be his girlfriend was still on my neck. I never took it off except for when I go to the beach of take a shower. I loved it and gaurded it. El noticed me staring at it in my reflection and asked where I got it saying it was stunning. "Niall when he asked me to be his girlfriend," I smiled. "Awe!! Cute and sweet!!!!!" I laughed, "Come on, let's go!"

"Madame," Niall bowed and tooked my hand leading me to the car. "Thank you, kind sir," I giggled as he helped me into the car. Lou and El sat in front while Niall and I cuddled in the back. I took his hand and examined it. "Uhh...what are you doing with my hand?" He asked. "It's just so.........Do you know what big hands mean?" I whispered in his ear suducidly. His eyes got wide. "Big feet," I said in his ear before pulling away. He chuckled, "You're such a weird girl, ya know." "Well you certainly have great taste," I replied kissing his nose. He smiled and I leaned into the crook of his neck realizing how lucky I was.

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