Chapter Seventeen.

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~Niall's POV~

I startled as something touched my face. Opening my eyes realizing it was morning, I touched my cheek. It appeared to be wet. I heard laughing. "Lou! Why did you lick me aaaggiiiaannn!!!!!!!!!" I said rolling over. He giggled, "Oopsies!" I jumped out of bed, running after him. "I'm gonna get you, Louis!!!!" I yelled running down the stairs. He screamed, "Brynnley Ann! Help!!! Your boyfriend is gonna kill me!!! All I did was give him a puppy dog kissy!!!!" He whinned running to hide behind Brynnley Ann. I guess she must of gotten up before me. She laughed...but to anyone, it was never a laugh but a giggle....I loved her giggle, "Well don't hide behind me!!! I'm TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!! You're the oldest!" I ran over and they both screamed. I put my arms around Brynnley Ann's waist and she put her hands against my chest. "No puppy licks," she smiled as she told me. "Agreed!!!!!!" I said rolling my eyes playfully. Kissing her nose, she blushed which made me smile. "G'morning lads!" I said to Liam, Harry, and Zayn. I got some hellos then my stomach growled. "Uhh ohh....looks like we must feed the beast," Zayn said turning to Liam. He nodded, "Ohh yes, it's its feeding time." Brynnley Ann, Lou, and Harry laughed. I shook my head, "Yeah! So chop chop!!!" Liam handed me a plate of bacon and eggs and pancakes. "Yay!!!!" I cheered, digging into my plate. "So, boys, Brynn, are y'all ready to go to America?" Lou asked. I looked towards my girl to see her look down. It seems the guys noticed to. "Are you okay there, sweet?" I asked worriedly. She looked up, "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just forgot all about it, that's all..." she reasurred us. Harry put his arm around her, "We'll have a blast, Kanga. Don't be scared. It'll be fun. Your parents will be just great here. They'll have to house to themselves and you can always talk to them and even skype them." She hugged him, "I believe you." "Well, why don't we do something today! We can go to the movies," Liam suggested. Everyone nodded and went off to get ready. What to wear, what to wear... I scrummaged through my closet and found dark faded jeans, white t-shirt, and white converse. I grabbed some sunglasses and headed downstairs to wait on everyone. I sat on the couch next to perfected-hair Zayn, plain Liam, and stripped Lou. What is with him and stripes!?!

~Brynnley Ann's POV~

I straightened my hair and pulled some of the hair on the top of my hair back and clipped it in place with a big red bow. I added a little cover up to my face, some not fully black eye liner thinly on my upper lid, and a layer of mascara. I applied my vanilla Soft Lips and set it next to my phone and money. I went to my closet to find what to wear. At last, putting on some red mini shorts, a Captain America tank top, and some dark blue TOMS, I grabbed my stuff and went down stairs satisfied. All the boys were on the couch talking. "Sorry to keep you all waiting," I apologized walking to that back of the couch. They waved an apology and we tried to decide what movie to go see. "PO-SES-SIONNNNN!!!!!" Harry and Louis yelled. "NO WAY!" Liam and I screamed back. It would give me nightmares!!.... "Zayn, Niall, tell them we are going to go see PO-SES-SIOOONNNN!" Harry whinned. I couldn't help but laugh a little, it was kind of funny how he was whinning aboit seeing a horror film. Niall and Zayn whispered a few sentences before saying, "We wanna go see....Timothy Green!" Harry and Lou groaned which sent us all laughing. "Well I think we should see The Campaign or Hit & Run," I said. Everyone nodded agreeing we would decide once we got there. We set off on our walk, Harry and Louis walking side by side, as were Zayn and Liam. "Aww! Larry amd Ziam!!!!" Niall squealed. The boys laughed. Confused I asked, "What is with the whole Larry and Ziall and Ziam and such everywhere. GASP! They always say the cute ones are gay!!!!" "Hey!" Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Niall exclaimed. They turned to Louis. "Didn't you hear, she called as cute!" he said grinning. We all laughed. "Aw, Kanga, you're not so bad yourself!!!" Harry said smirking. I shook my head smiling. "Y'all never answered my question of what was with all the names," I said. "It's something they made up to fit pictures of us together like pictures of Harry and Louis together is Larry, so worth and so on." Niall explained. "Ohh, okay, I get it. So 'Zerrie' is Zayn and.....Perrie??" "Yes, their couple name." I nodded in understanding. "Do y'all have a name yet?" Liam asked. "No," Niall responded, "We will once we are in America." "How would Brynnley Ann and Niall fit together?" Zayn asked. We shuggred not knowing. We talked about America the rest of the way to the movies, Niall occasionally squeezing my hand knowing how I reacted this morning to it. "So what will it be," the unhappy ticket booth lady asked not looking up. "Six for The Campaign please," Liam said getting out his wallet. "No, Li-," I stopped before I said his name out loud. "No, let me pay," I rephrased my statement. "Nopity nope nope!" he said cheerfully. "Heh-hemm, $20," the girl said. Liam handed her the money and she took it not even realizing she just took Liam Payne's money. Woww. We walked into the building and got some snacks. Popcorn, M&Ms, Swedish Fish, drinks, Hersheys, KitKat, and pickles. I know, I know, we're retarded. Don't judge!! We sat on the very top row. Zayn, Liam, Harry, Me, Niall, and Lou was our order. The movie started and let me just say, it was already hilarious. Will Ferral's just AH-MAZAYNN!! Hehe :) I sound like an obsessed fan. Shhh!!! Someone grabbed my hand and guess who it was?? My wonderful, completely awesome cousin. He raised my hand and dake sneezed into it. "EWWEY! HARRY! GRODYY!!!" I whisper-yelled whiping my hand in his hair. "WHAT DID THE CURLS EVER DO TO YOU!" He yelled back. We laughed and turned back to the film. A little after half way I laid my head on Niall's chest and he wrapped his arm around me. I felt so complete.

~Niall's POV~

I felt complete. Like my life needed no more than this. Living my singing was amazing! And having Brynnley Ann.....that was a miracle. Guys spend so much time trying to find a girl like her, and she's with me. She's taken. She's mine. No one else will ever take her from me. We watched the rest of the movie and we hurried out with the crowd so that we wouldn't be recongnized. It failed. I felt a tap on my back and I turned around. There was a girl about 6 years old standing behind me. She removed my sunglasses, "I knew it was you, Niall." she whispered. By now the guys were by my side and so was Brynnley Ann. "You're them too." she said pointing at the guys. They smiled, "Hi sweety, what's your name?" Lou asked her. "I'm Kellie." "Well Kellie, may we sign your notebook?" She nodded fiercely grinning. We all signed. "You too. I know who you are." she told Brynn. "You do? Well that's so cool! I'd love to sign it!" She signed the book and handed it back to the little girl. "Thank you!!! I'll never forget this!!" Kellis sqealled. "KELLIE! WHERE ARE YOU!" A lady yelled worriedly. "Over here, mommy!!" she said back. Her mom ran over. "Kellie, I've told you to never run off and to never talk to strangers!!" "It's okay, mom!! This is One Direction!" We waved and said hello. "Ohh! Well nice to meet you all! Would y'all take a picture with Kellie?" We grouped up and smiled. "CHEEEEESE!" Kellie and Louis said in unison. "JINX! DOUBLE JINX! TRIPLE JINX! MULTI JINX!!!!!" They both screamed. We laughed at them. Lou had always been great with kids. He was going to make a great dad one day. Kellie gave us all hugs and we went our separate ways. I couldn't wait to have kids. I wonder if it would be with Brynnley Ann...?.........

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