Chapter 1: Going to NYU

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(Rachel's POV)

"Rach, come on! We need to be at NYU by noon!" Monica shouted from downstairs.

"I know, Mon! I'm just saying goodbye to my room!" I yelled back. 

For the longest time, I've been contemplating on whether or not to bring my poster of the million dollar man with me to college. I decided against it, so the only things in my room is that poster, my bed with no bed clothes, and my desk. The dorm has a desk for us already, so there's no point in bringing mine. 

I kissed my poster for the last time ans said goodbye to Mom and Dad. I finally got in the car, and Mon was already giving me the death stare for taking a little long.

"What took you so long?" I scolded.

"Sorry, I just found it a little hard to leave. I don't know why.. But we have over an hour to get there, so we'll be there way ahead of time! Just drive!" I said.

"Okaay.." Mon said as she put in her Bangles' kasset tape in.

(Ross' POV)

There's a knock on my door. I wonder who that could be.. I open the door to see my sister and Rachel.

"Mon!" I exclaimed as I pulled her into a hug. "Oh, I missed you so much, Mon!" 

"Dido, big bro!" She says when we separate.

"Rach!" I yell as I wrap her in an even tighter hug.

We separate. "So what are you guys going later tonight? I'd like to take you both out for dinner; my treat, if that's okay?" I ask.

"I don't know, Ross. We need to get our dorm all decorated and what not. We'll let you know later." Monica says.

"Okay. Well I hope to see you soon." I say as I leave.

"Especially you, Rach." I say after I shut the door. 

"That's the Rachel you're in love with?" My roommate, Chandler asks.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Dude," he starts. "Go for it, she's hot!" He says.

"Hey! She's mine! Go find your own girl!" I say.

"Well what about your sister? She's pretty hot, too!" He jokes.

"Yanno what?" I say as I punch his arm.

Then the phone rings. I go to answer it. 

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey.. Ross? It's Rachel."

"Hey, Rach! What's up?" I ask.

"Monica can't come tonight, so I guess it's just us two." Rachel says.

"Oh. Alright. Why don't I come pick you up at 7:30?" I ask.

"Sounds great, Ross!" Rachel says.

"Okay, see you then. Bye." 

"Bye-bye," she says and I hang up.

"Well?" Chandler asks.

"It's just gonna be Rachel and I." I announce.

"Your first date with her, man! Make it great!" He says.

"I intend to!" I exclaim as I go get my things to take a shower and get ready.

(Rachel's POV)

"Thanks so much, Mon! I love you so much!" I say as I hug my best friend.

"Don't mention it, babe! I know you like him, and I think you'd be really great together!" She tells me.

"I love you Mon!" I say as I grab my things to get ready.

I chose the perfect outfit: a strapless, yellow jump suite. The legs go down a little bit passed my knees and it has a pink belt. I curled and teased my hair and tied a pink bow in it. For my make-up, I did pink on my lids, and a bright yellow in the crease. With all that, I chose a pair of pink pumps. In one ear, I have dangly earrings with a pink star at the end, and the other ear, one that isn't dangly and has a yellow star.

I walk into the room where Mon is watching TV. "Achem." I say to get her attention.

"Wow. Rach. You look gorgeous!" she tells me.

"Thank you!" I exclaim. "I'm just so excited!

(Ross' POV)

I'm all ready for my dinner with Rach. I'm taking her to an Italian place just off campus. I think she'll like it.

I'm wearing black pants with a yellow button up not tucked in and casually buttoned. I gelled my hair and put on after shave. In my opinion, I look pretty damn good.

"Man, Ross!" Chandler says.

"What? What's wrong? Don't I match?" I ask worried.

"No, dude! You look great!" He says.

"Thanks, thanks." I say. "Don't wait up!" I say as I go out the door.


Well, there's the first chapter!! :D I appreciate feedback! Mwah! :* Morgan out! <33

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