Chapter 20: finals week

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So, I changed my mind. This is the last chapter. If I get more than 5 votes by Monday, I'll do an epilogue. Thanks for reading!


I woke up a little early to have a good breakfast before my first exam and saw Monica already in our kitchenette.

"What are you doing up already?" she asks.

"Good morning to you, too!" I quip. "I wanted to have breakfast. Do we have any cereal?"

"Good morning. We do have some cereal. Cornflakes and Cheerios." She lists

"I'll have some Cheerios." I smile and she hands me the box and I get bowls for us.

We both eat and Monica cleans up while I get dressed. Just simple jeans and a tshirt. Just so I'm comfortable while taking exams. "Ready to go?" I ask Mon. "Our first class starts in like ten minutes."

"Yep. Lets start going." She smiles and we walk to the class.

"Good luck!!" I say and hug her before she sits in her seat and the exams are passed out.

The exam was pretty hard, but I knew most of the answers. Now that, that's over, time to see the boyfriend.

"Hey, you," he says, wrapping his arms around me, "how was your first exam?"

I lean into him and kiss his cheek. "It was okay. I think I did pretty good. How was yours?"

"That's good," he kisses me, "I think I did okay, too." he smiles.

We talk for a little while before I have to go to my next exam. We're all going to meet in the cafeteria for lunch. Monica is there already so I go and sit by her. "So we're waiting for the boys?" I ask.

"Yep. As usual," Mon quips.

"Hey!" the guys say as they walk over to us and Ross hugs me.

"Hi, sweetie!" I exclaim and hug him back.

"Lets get lunch, I'm starving!" he suggests.

"Me too!" and we walk over to get lunch and sit and eat and talk.

The whole week went like that, and my first year of college is over! It was so great! I feel like within this year I've grown up so much. Plus I have a boyfriend that's actually good to me. I think we'll end up getting married someday. Hopefully with kids. On the ride home for the summer, that's all I think about.

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