Chapter 12: Where are we going?

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Hey, guys! I know I said I'd update every Thursday, but I will update every Tuesday now. I'm starting to get ahead, so you will see regular updates. Thanks always for reading my story, and please vote and comment so I know what you're thinking.. Advice and ideas are greatly accepted and I encourage you to, so I know what I need to work on in my writing, whether it be spelling, or content or whatever. Also, I have a few ideas for new fanfics for Ross and Rachel and will start them when this story is complete. I don't really know how or when I'll end this, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Sorry for the long author's note. You can begin reading now.


Ross' POV:

The past few weeks have been really great. Rachel and I have been doing something almost every night, unless she has a lot of homework. Apparently I distract her (which is kind of true).

Tonight, I'm taking her to a U2 concert, which is her favorite band, who sings our song, With or Without You. She doesn't know this yet. It's a surprise. I call her and our conversation goes like this:

Me: Hey, so, for our date tonight, don't wear anything too fancy and uncomfortable. Wear a T-shirt and jeans or something to that effect.

Rachel: Why? Are we just hanging out listening to music or something?

Me: something like that. So I'll pick you up for 6:30, okay?

Rachel: Okay.

And with that I hung up. I can tell she was smiling throughout that whole conversation. She's just the cutest.

I get changed into jeans and a U2 T-shirt and jeans and gel my hair a bit and head over to Monica and Rachel's dorm. Now, I told Mon about the concert, actually it was more her idea. Monica answered the door. "You didn't tell her where I'm taking her did you?" I whisper.

"Nope. I kept my mouth shut. She's going to love you so much!" Monica said as Rachel walked out.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

"Yup. Just let me grab my purse and a jacket." She had on a pair of acid wash jeans with a U2 T-shirt I gave her one night because she didn't exactly plan on staying the night with me. It was black with the band's faces and under them had "U2" written on it. It was kinda big on her, but she had it tucked in a little and the sleeves rolled up. She looked perfect.

"You look cute." I managed to say as she grabbed my hand and we walked out of the dorm.

"So do you." She said and smiled. "We match."

"That we do. That we do." With that, we got into my car and I began to drive to the arena they were holding the concert at.

"Where are we going?" asked Rachel.

"You'll see. It's a surprise." I said. After about 45 minutes of Rachel persistently asking where we were going, we got there. The parking lot was just starting to fill. 'Good', I thought. 'We got here in good timing so we can easily find our seats.'

As we got out of my car, Rachel realized what we were doing and hugged me so tight. I smiled and handed her her ticket. "Here." I said and kissed her cheek.

She examined the ticket for a minute. "Ross these are great seats! How did you- when did you- wh-" she was cut off by me kissing her.

"Shut up and thank me." I joked.

"Thank you. You're the best!" she beamed. "It's a good thing I didn't wear a different band's T-shirt."

"You don't have any other band T-shirt so you have nothing to worry about." I said, earning a shove as we walked in the door.

Rachel's POV:

Ross is just the greatest person ever. I can't get over how good he is to me. We find our seats and since we have a little while before the concert starts we sit talking.

"So how did you get the tickets?" I ask.

"Well, I had a lot of money saved and I wanted to do something special for you and I asked Monica for some ideas and this was one of them." He said.

"Remind me to thank her later, then." I say as the band comes on stage and introduces their first song.

Once they announce the name of it, Ross and I look at each other and he grabs my hand. It's With or Without Your. Our song. I move closer to him and he wraps his arms around me. We sway to the music and enjoy the whole concert. I look up at Ross and kiss him deeply, letting him know that something great is going to happen.

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