Chapter 6: Love Begins

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(Rachel's POV)

I wake up in Ross' arms and look at him. He's still sleeping. I move my legs, which causes him to wake up. "I can't believe I'm waking up in your arms," I say.

"I know. I can't believe I woke up holding you," he says leaning down to kiss me. I put my hands in front of my mouth, blocking the kiss. 

"Sorry, no kissing before I brush my teeth!" I say.

"I don't care," he says. He grabs my hands and kisses me.

"Hey!" I say laughing, "I said not to do that!"

"And I said I didn't care! You said yourself, last night that you love my lips, and want to keep them. I know you're enjoying these kisses," he says, and kisses me again.

"I am, I really am." I say, getting up realizing his legs and/or arms are probably numb from me laying on them all night. "I should go back to my dorm. Monica is probably worried." I say.

"Okay, I'll drop you off," he says.

"You know what? I have an idea!"

"What's that?"

"Well, first of all, you need to get dressed. Then, we can go see Mon, and tell her everything's alright, and then we can spend the whole rest of the day together," I get closer to him, "because you're mine, and I'm all yours." I say and wink.

"Sounds like a plan," he says simply.

(Ross' POV)

It's almost 3:30 when we get to Rachel and Mon's dorm. Rachel and I walk in.

"Hey! Where have you guys been?" Mon asks.

"Last night we were watching a movie, and were too tired to get up, so Rach stayed with me." I explain.

Monica walks over to Rachel and whispers something not so quietly. "Did you guys 'do it'?" 

"Monica, please! No!" Rachel says. "I'm going to change, and then Ross and I are gonna spend the day together."

"Okay, have fun," Mon says.

"Ross, come here." Rachel says. She leads me into the bedroom and takes off her shirt. I admire her toned stomach and walk over to her and kiss her.

"You're just gorgeous." I say.

"Aw, thanks, hon," she says and I smile. "Okay, now get out."

"What?" I ask, pretty confused. She comes over and kisses me. 

"That's a preview for later. Now let me get changed!" She says and winks. I walk out and about ten minutes later Rachel comes out all dressed and ready to go. We're both hungry, considering we didn't have breakfast, so we decide to go to the campus cafe around 5:30.

We get done eating and we don't want to back to my dorm just yet, so we take a walk, hand-in-hand.

"Rach?" I ask.

"Yes, Ross?" She asks and I wrap my arm around her and she cuddles close to me. 

"How do you feel about sex?" I ask

"What about sex?"

"Have you done it?" I ask.

"Once. Have you?" She replies.

"No, see, I've kind of been saving myself. For well, you." I admit. Rachel stops dead in her tracks so I turn around towards her. Her eyes are wide and shining in the moon light. They're a peircing blue and just gorgeous. Before I knew it, Rachel was cupping my face in her hands and kissing me. 

She pulls away and says, "So do you want to go back to your dorm now?"

We get in my car and go to my dorm.

(Rachel's POV)

Ross and I are all over each other before Ross even opens the door. We sit on the couch and start making  out. he pulls me on his lap and I put one arm around his neck and the other hand tousling his hair. He licks my lips for permission to enter. I quickly respond by opening my mouth. Soon enough, our tongues are dancing in the most perfect rhythm. God, he's just such a great kisser! The kiss was deepening and Ross' hands were traveling up my shirt. My hands wander all over and I lift up his shirt and feel his chiseled chest. He takes off my sweater, revealing my breasts. I move my legs around so I'm just about straddling him. He pushes his bulge on me. causing me to moan a bit. He starts massaging my breasts. His hands are just wonderful.

"Bedroom," he manages to say in between breaths. We stand and walk to the room, still kissing. 

"Okay. Pants off, mister!" I say and naughtily smile.

"You got it," he says taking them off and tossing them in the hamper, oh boy. Then he comes over and unbuttons my jeans. I step out and he slowly, teasingly pulls down my panties and kisses my inner thigh, which causes me to shudder with pleasure. 

He lays me on the bed and starts positioning himself. "Wait. Condom," I say in between kisses. 

"Right, sorry," he grabs one from the night stand and puts it on. Ross crawls back on the bed and I sit up and start kissing him. All of a sudden, he pushes me down. 

"Ooh, I've never seen this side of you, Geller." I say seductively.

"Neither have I," was all he said before entering me. At that moment, I was overwhelmed with pleasure. 

As he thrusts harder and faster, I rock my hips in order to meet his motions and our hips were in sync. "Oh, God, Ross!" I screamed.

"Ugh, Rachel!" He moans. I somehow flip us over, so I'm on top now. I begin to ride him and he held onto my hips tightly and pushed me harder onto him. With one final scream, I reached my climax and fell on his chest. We were both sticky from sweating. He wraps the covers securely over us and wraps his arms around my naked body. I feel so safe and protected by him. 

"Ross?" I whisper.

"Yes Rach?"

"I love you"

"I love you," he says and squeezes me a bit and kisses my hair. 

Within seconds, I fall asleep; satisfied and loved.


Sorry this took so long. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, and I'd really like to thank Hoplessdreamer67, who this chapter is dedicated to, for helping me out so much with this. Love ya, girlie. Oh, and comments are always welcome, they make my day!!

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