Chapter 14: Spring Break Part 1

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Ross POV:

Spring Break is finally here! We're all going home except Chandler. He said he'd come with us but changed his mind at the last minute, and is staying at college.

I just talked to Rachel and she said that she and Mon were almost ready to leave for home. We decided Rachel would go home with Monica and they would follow me.

Rachel and I thought it'd be a good idea to have our parents find out about our relationship at the annual cookout my parents throw. We always invite the Greens anyway.

Rachel's POV:

We're going home for Spring Break in two hours and I still don't know what I'm taking home. I only have like three outfits packed! I throw some pajamas in my suit case and another sundress and shorts and I think that should be good.

I'm glad I'm going home with Monica. I haven't spent much time with her since Ross and I got back together. I feel bad, actually.

"Mon, I'm ready!" I call from the bedroom and come out with my bag.

"Finally!" She says, getting testy.

"Relax, Mon! We still have-" I look at my watch, "30 minutes until Ross comes to get us and we have to leave!"

Ross comes to get us and he helps us with our bags. We start the ride and all goes well. Hopefully our parents are okay with our relationship.


I'm doing this in a few parts bc it's going to be pretty long. Sorry I didn't post this yesterday... I got really busy. Anyway, vote and comment on this so I know what you're thinking... Also, comments always ale my day!

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