The Hang Out.

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Author's Pov: It's Friday night Aphmau is watching TV with Aaron at his house.

Aphmau's Pov: I'm at Aaron's house right now and we're watching one of our favorite shows, but it's getting late maybe I should head home soon.

Aphmau:" Yawns"

Aaron: are you starting to get tired?

Aphmau: A little, I think I might go home soon.

Aaron: it's really late, I don't want you getting hurt, you should stay here for the night.

Aphmau: I mean i guess I can, I'll text Katelyn and tell her.

Aaron: Ok.

Aphmau: But were will I sleep?

Aaron: you can sleep in my room.

Aphmau: Ok but aren't you sleeping in your room?

Aaron: Yeah but I have a pretty big bed and we can both fit. I mean we're pretty good friends right? so why would it matter. Unless you don't feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed.

Aphmau: No I'm fine with that i mean we are good friends so it should be fine.

Aaron: Ok then lets continue watching.

Aphmau: ok.

Later Aphmau starts to fall asleep on Aaron's shoulder, he puts his arm around her and pulls her in closer. As Aphmau looks up and smiles at Aaron he looks down and smiles at her. Shortly after she falls asleep and Aaron picks her up and carries her up the stairs to his bed, he carefully places her on the bed with the covers over her the gets in bed beside her.

fast forward to the morning.

Aphmau's Pov: I just woke up and I can smell bacon and eggs being cooked downstairs so I think i'm about to head down there, but last night was so fun just me and Aaron hanging out together. WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING IT SOUNDS LIKE I LIKE HIM BUT IT CAN'T BE CAN IT? no no that would never happen we're just friends.

Aaron's Pov: Aphmau is still asleep i'm making eggs and bacon for her I hope she'll like my cooking, she is so cute when she's asleep and to be able to carry her up stairs was nice. WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING IT SOUND LIKE I LIKE HER BUT I DON'T..... I think WAIT EVEN IF I DID SHE WOULDN'T WANT TO DATE ME SHE DOESN'T LIKE ME LIKE THAT right.

as Aaron was thinking Aphmau came down the stairs.

Aaron: Morning Aphmau :) I made breakfast hope you like it

Aphmau: Oh thanks Aaron it looks delicious, I LOVE bacon

Aaron: well good because I made a bunch of it.

They happily eat breakfast but as Aphmau finishes Katelyn calls, she answers.

Aphmau: Hi Katelyn, whats up?

Katelyn: when are you coming home Celeste is freaking out right now!

Aphmau: Ok i'll be right over Katelyn

She hangs up before Katelyn could say another word.

Aaron: what was that about?

Aphmau: Celeste is freaking out I have to go sorry :(

Aaron: it's fine, oh well umm is it ok if I stop by later?

Aphmau: Yes, I mean yeah that would be great.

Aaron: ok see you later Aphmau, Bye.

Aphmau: Bye Aaron see you later.

fast forward to at Aphmau's house.

Katelyn: Finally your back.

Aphmau: yeah I'm ba-

Right as Aphmau about to finish your sentence Celeste runs in and jumps into your arms and starts to lick Aphmau.

Aphmau: Hi Celeste baby how are you.

Celeste: Barks Happily while still licking Aphmau.

Fast forward to when Aaron goes over to Aphmau's house. The doorbell rings and Aphmau goes to answer it.

Well that's it for today's chapter I really hope you all liked it please comment if you did, and thank you all so much for reading BYE!!!!

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