The Date

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Author's Pov: Aphmau opens the door, it's Aaron.

Aphmau: Oh Hi Aaron, Whats up?

Aaron: Hey Aphmau can I speak with you in Private ?

Aphmau: Sure come in we can speak in my room.

Aaron: Ok.

Aphmau's Pov: OMI Aaron wants to talk in Private, What could that mean?

Aaron's Pov: I'm about to ask Aphmau on a Date I hope she'll say yes, I think I really like her and this will show me.

Aphmau: What did you need to talk about Aaron?

Aaron: Oh ummm I was wondering if you would like to go see a movie and eat dinner with me tomorrow night?

Aphmau: Sure I'd love to.


Aphmau's Pov: AARON ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE!!!!! I think, I should probably make sure that it is a date.

Aphmau: It's a date right?

Aaron: Yeah.

Aphmau: Ok just making sure.

Aaron: Ok, umm I'll pick you up around 5:00 ok

Aphmau: Ok, BUT we can't let Garroth, Laurance, Dante, Travis, OR Kawaii-Chan find out ok

Aaron: Ok good thinking. Well I should head home Aphmau see you tomorrow.

Aphmau: Ok see you then.

Aaron goes home and Aphmau is daydreaming about the date

Fast forward to 10 minutes before the date.

Aphmau's Pov: Ok I'm almost ready and Katelyn is keeping Kawaii-Chan out of the house till I leave. I'M SO EXITED!!!!!

Aaron's Pov: I'm so exited I can't wait till the date with Aphmau, I hope it goes well. OH NO I HAVE TO GO PICK HER UP RIGHT NOW!!!!!!

Aaron rushes over to Aphmau's house in Black Jeans and a SHIRT!!!! It's a special occasion I guess. And Aphmau is in a purple shirt with blue jean shorts.

The doorbell rings and Aphmau goes to answer it.

Aphmau: Hey Aaron, wait your wearing a SHIRT!!!

Aaron: Yeah it's a date after all, I needed to wear something nice.

Aphmau: Yeah i guess.

Aaron: Well you look really cute I like your outfit.

Aphmau: Thanks, you look really Hot in a shirt, " She says while blushing"

Aaron: Thanks. Well lets go we don't want to be late.

Aphmau: Ok.

Fast forward: there at the theater.

Aphmau: So what movie are we seeing?

Aaron: Well I know how much you LOVE Midnight and there's another movie of it so I bought tickets for that.

Aphmau: Aww thanks Aaron your the best.

Aaron: thanks, well we should go get seats.

Aphmau: Ok lets go.

Fast forward to dinner

Aaron: Here we are lets go get a table.

Aphmau: Ok.

Aaron: here's one.

Aaron pulls out the seat for Aphmau, she sits down and he pushes the seat in, then goes to the seat beside her and sits down, the waitress comes over.

Waitress: What can i get you both?

Aaron: I would like a big plate of Hot Wings for the two of us, and a large half vanilla half chocolate milk shake for the two of us.

Waitress: ok your order will be done in a few minutes. the waitress leaves

Aphmau: Aww you know me so well Aaron.

Aaron: yeah I guess I do.

well that's the end of this chapter come back tomorrow and see what happens next BYE!!!!!

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