Stutter fest.

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Kyrie's pov : Today Aphmau and Aaron are taking me to meet the guys i'm so excited.

Aphmau's pov: Aaron wake up we have to take Kyrie to meet the guys.

Aaron: ok.

10 mins later 

Kyrie's Pov : I hear the doorbell it must be Aphmau and Aaron, I run downstairs and open the door.

Aphmau: Hey Kyrie you ready?

Kyrie: Yeah.

They walk across the street to the guys house Travis open the door.


Aaron: Sure. 

Travis: Well who is this beautiful girl behind you, hello my name is Travis

Kyrie: Hi my name is Kyrie, nice to meet you.

Aphmau: Anyways Travis can we come in? she wanted to meet you all. 

Travis: Yeah I'll get the others. GUYS GET DOWN HERE THERE'S A CUTE GIRL( he yells)

The guys run down.

Laurance: who?

Travis: Kyrie shes new in town.

Laurance: Hi my name is Laurance.

Garroth: Hi i'm Garroth.

Dante: I'm Dante

Zane: I'm Zane.

Aphmau: Zane what are you doing here?

Garroth: We stole his ponys

Aphmau: Oh ok.

Vylad: Garroth can I borrow some underwear( he says while walking into the living room after his shower)

Garroth: Yeah but you just said that in front of the new girl in town.

Vylad :O- oh well h-hello s- sorry about that m-my name is V- Vylad nice to meet you.

Kyrie: H-hi m-my n-name is Kyrie nice to meet you too.

Aphmau: Kyrie Are you ok?

Kyrie: Y-yes.

Aphmau: Ok, well do you want to stand outside with me for a second?

Kyrie: Sure.

They walk outside 

Aphmau: Ok Kyrie what was that about?

Kyrie: I think I like Vylad....

Aphmau: Well he is free.

Kyrie: Ok well lets get back inside.

Aphmau: ok

Boys Conversation 

Garroth: Vylad are you ok you never stutter?

Vylad: Its just I think I like Kyrie...

Aaron: Then ask her on a date.

Vylad: your right I will thanks Aaron.

Aaron: No problem.

The girls come inside

Kyrie: Sorry about that.

Guys: its fine.

Vylad: Kyrie can I ask you something?

Kyrie: S-sure.

Vylad: would you like to go on a picnic with me, like a date?

Kyrie: YES, I mean yeah sure.

Vylad: Great, how about tomorrow around 5:00 so we can watch the sun set.

Kyrie: Ok I'd love that.

Aphmau: Well we better get going bye guys,

The Guys: Bye.

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter sorry for not posting in a while, the next chapter will be focused on Kyrie and Vylad's date thanks for reading and comment and tell me if you liked that Kyrie and Vylad may become a couple, Love y'all Bye.

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