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/* It was a big stage and was beautifully decorated. There were hundreds of audience seated in the auditorium. All the speakers were playing a melodious music. On the stage was a beautiful girl singing the song and dancing to it effortlessly with full passion. All her co-dancers were girls and they perfectly dressed too. The girl was enjoying totally and pushed all nerve and vein to give her best.

Thud! a big sound */

Mrs. Sharma- Stupid girl every time u wake up late. It's already nine in the morning. Daily u keep dreaming and fall down. I don't know what u dream of whole night and make such a mess in the morning. Get up and clean the house.

Arohi- Mom why are u shouting early in the morning?

Mrs. Sharma- What rubbish! 9 a.m is early? Wake up now!

Arohi- What should i do? Anyway I am not going to college as all my other friends do. I don't understand what i will gain by late joining. All my friends have already joined in different colleges. I am the only who is sitting in home and wasting time.

Mrs. Sharma-Who said u to waste time? Read books, there are so many at home. All your college decisions are taken by your dad and he thinks it is important to observe the college before joining.Its a serious decision.

Arohi- I don't understand what is so serious in joining a college. Do you know today's date? Its 8th of june. I don't want to spoil your mood in the morning but understand my problem. If I join so late I will face problem in studying.

Mrs. Sharma- I can understand but i can't help. I can't change your dad's decision. 

/* So this was the conversation of the Sharma's. Arohi was tall and wheat complexioned girl. She has a good voice and dancing abilities. Her parents didn't know she danced though. She studies well and tries to fulfill her parents dreams. 

Now in SJC... In the announcement auditorium a girl is speaking  */

Moni- Hi guys here is your moni. Good morning to all of you. All the second year's the new seniors in the campus, a very big Hi to you. As we all know in SJC we have dance competitions every now and then and after a few we will have two teams in college- the junior's one and the senior's one. The senior's team has already been selected. Till now they have been the best. They are:

ROCKSTAR's: Arjun, Kria, Rey, Shashank and Moni. That's me :)                                                                             So juniors keep on practicing as your rounds are coming. All the best

/* In meantime at Arohi's home her father comes to her room at night. */

Arohi- What are all those papers dad? Are they office files? But u never do office work at home.

Mr. Sharma- Now let me speak. Sit down its important. These are your tenth certificates and these are.. guess?

Arohi- I don't know. Please tell.

Mr. Sharma- Your college admission forms.

Arohi- Wonderful dad. That's great! Which college is it? Is it near to our home so I can walk back?

Mr. Sharma- No its in Delhi. You have to go to Delhi for your further studies.

/* All her happiness was washed away in a minute. She turns pale. She never stayed anywhere outside her home anytime and Delhi was too far from her city. It was north India and she knew south Indian people were not accepted so easily over there. She was tensed. Two years of college and might be even more without her parents and the people she was used to. Would she be happy there? Make friends? She definitely didn't know!  */

Mr. Sharma- I know what your fearing but this is good for your future. Don't think much and sleep. Day after tomorrow u have to catch the train.

/* Needless to say Arohi has a sleepless night */

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