Twenty Nine

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/* They fresh up and Arjun calls her to the balcony

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/* They fresh up and Arjun calls her to the balcony. She comes and sits on a chair beside him. */

Arjun- What is the matter with you?

Arohi- My dad is..

Arjun- Stop. Now don't say your parents shouted at you coz you had to come with me. I don't understand what's wrong with your parents. You can go to co-ed college but can't friendship with boys. You can work for me but can't come out even if its professional. How.....

/* He didn't want to say anything more as it would hurt Arohi. He goes into his room and doesn't come out for the rest of the day. They decide to go to the construction site next day,they don't speak but they understand each other. Arohi was already in depression and now she was left alone. She tried to come out of it herself and was going around the house. It was very beautiful with awesome interiors. After some time she goes to the fridge to get water and finds a plastic bottle. She drinks it. It was an alcoholic beverage and after a good she was in full swing. Last month Rey had used the guest house and he left it there. Arjun inside the room didn't like to stay away from her but he was so angry with her parents, he feared he might say anything wrong. He didn't want to hurt her anymore in her misery even though her parents seemed utterly senseless to him. Suddenly he hears a loud music coming and went out and lo what did he see?

Arohi in a very short dress(some 4 inches above her knees) with free hair and dancing to item numbers swaying herself carelessly. (Yeah the same old scene of innocent girl getting drunk repeats but I love it when such girls have some fun. They deserve it don't they?) Arjun just couldn't believe his eyes but soon he realized she was drunk and found the bottle in her hand which belonged to Rey. He knew Arohi would never do this even if she was a little conscious. It was a good chance for him to see her like that. You know how it feels to see your girl in sleeveless threaded red mini dress and that too in full on party mood. Aah it felt great. He smiled to himself and went to her. He sat in sofa ahead of her but she didn't mind at all and continued to enjoy herself. Soon she pulled him also and continued. He did a few steps but stopped many times as he couldn't control his laugh. Arohi didn't let it enter her mind but even in this state she kept her limit distance from Arjun. The CD got struck and they sat down on the sofa towards opposite edges. Arjun knew he must not get too close and regret anything later. He remains silent and very amused at her actions. She keeps staring at him and suddenly points her index finger at his face. He is surprised. */

Arohi- You are Krishna right? I saw you wear garland and dance. I am correct. You are Krishna.

Arjun(supports his head on his fist,his arm rested on the armrest)- I am everything for you.

Arohi- Oy I am supposed to say that. Say something. Why silent? Let's talky talky. :)

/* She was looking so damn cute doing all that childish gestures and Arjun was getting a treat of his life. He understood she was not in her senses and that he could get all answers he wanted. */

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