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/* The next day is spent in meeting all her friends, relatives and oneround of her city. In the evening her best friend, Sonia comes to spend some time. */

Sonia- So you are going. I can't stop you so do call me everyday ok. 

Arohi- I will.

Sonia- Well, what about that secret fear of yours? You fear boys right? I have always seen u tense while talking to them.

Arohi- Uhmm, yes. I have always studied in a girls school and I don't even have brothers. So I have never spoken to them and that makes me tense when I confront anyone. 

Sonia- Then how are you going to manage in a co-education college all of a sudden?

Arohi- I don't know, have to see what happens. My father always takes sudden decisions and I have always managed them. Lets see what I can do now.

/* After some more talk Sonia wishes her good luck and leaves. The next day Arohi starts for Delhi and reaches next morning. She heads to SJC and meets the principal whose office is at a distance from the college. The principal is a sweet woman. She comforts Arohi by saying that she is a clever girl and two month's notes won't be a problem for her. She calls out to an attendant and tells him to take Arohi to the hostel building and show her the room. On the way Arohi observes how big the college is, there were so many rooms with large doors and windows. It was a very old college constructed by the British. Meanwhile she reaches her room. The attendant puts her luggage and leaves.                                    The room was allotted for 3 girls and presently the room was abandoned as the other two had gone for their classes. She arranges all her things in her side of the room. She finds a chart hanging on the wall with names and photos of the other two girls- Khushi and Neha. Arohi decides to sleep for a while as she was tired from the long journey.                                                                                                                                    In the evening Khushi and Neha return to change their dresses and find the new girl */

Khushi- Hey there is a new girl in our room. Must have come after we left. She looks fat.

Neha- Just a little but see her face is good and I don't think appearance matters in friendship.

Khushi- True and she wears chududars! So different from us. Oh sorry not you.

Neha- Of course. I am a south Indian and I also used to wear chudidars but I changed my dressing style after settling here.

/* Arohi wakes up and notices that they are talking about her */

Arohi- Hi I am Arohi. From now we are roommates and Friends?

Neha- Yes. You are a south Indian right?

Arohi- Yes I am but I love north India and the culture here.

Neha- I am a south Indian too. You are welcome here and get ready fast we are going out. We will show you the college.

/* They change and move out. As mentioned earlier, the dance rounds are going on in the auditorium. They stand there watching. Kria was performing and Arohi liked her dance. Arohi loved dance in every form and hence feels great there. After her performance Kria challenges her junior's to dance on the same song and prove they are also good at dance. The juniors were hustling and no one dared to confront her as they knew her temper very well */

Kria-  Come on guys be brave. Aren't there any good dancer's in juniors or you people don't know to dance at all?

Arohi (goes near her)- This is mockery and you are wrong.

Kria- Oh this fatty is gonna dance now. How funny!

Arohi- There is no rule about appearance in dance. Its about skill and passion.

Kria- You are teaching me?

/* Meanwhile the whole Rockstar team arrives there. Kria gestures to her friend to play the same song and Arohi starts dancing. Everybody is awestruck by her dance. They never saw a girl so fat( she wasn't that fat but being even a little was a big crime there) dancing so good and effortlessly that too on fast beat music. Arjun stood there watching her every move. He knew how much effort she must have put in to get so much perfection. It was the first time he was impressed by someone's dance so much. Never before had he taken a performance so seriously. He was the best dancer in SJC why would he? But now he stood there watching her dance without even blinking. This girl was a sweet surprise for him, a kind which he never encountered. When Arohi finished, there were claps resounding from everywhere. Kria came down and Moni went up */

Moni- Oh wow. What a wonderful performance. I have never seen such a one.

Arohi- I know what u mean. I just wanted to show that u shouldn't underestimate girls like. We too have talent that we can prove.

Moni- Of course. You have proved your talent and I don't think anyone will ever dare to underestimate people like you. Needless to say your performance is liked by all of us. what say guys?

( A big yes is heard from the crowd)

Moni- This means you are selected for the junior's team. Congratulations you will have a team in a few weeks and if your team agrees you will be its captain.

/* Arohi stood speechless as reality had struck her now. She had never danced elsewhere but on her terrace and now she is a member of dance team of a prestigious college like SJC. Although she loved to dance and felt it the happiest moment in her life, she was really tensed. Arjun was noticing her and knew she was tensed, he just smiled at her and went away. Arohi didn't notice anything neither Arjun nor the crowd and not even even Khushi and Neha who were running towards her calling her name so loudly that all the college came to know of her name only then. Arohi went to her room and sat down quietly.  */

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