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/* Arjun looks at Arohi and calls her */

Arjun- Arohi come here.

Arohi(goes to him and in a surprised tone)- You said coffee in the interval right? Then why are you calling me now?

Arjun- I wanted to ask you about your team. Did you complete all the official work? By the way what's your team's name?

Arohi- Dazzlers. (She starts going away to her friends who are at a distance)

Arjun- Wait now. Why do you always run away from me? Its a nice name and since I did your work with extra responsibility I want you also to do something extra for me.

Arohi-And what would that be?

Arjun- Since I came all the way to college just for you. Half an hour before the interval bell rings, you should come to my class and take me with you. A..a.. don't make any faces you have to.

/* Without giving her a chance to talk he goes away. Arohi is shocked and seeing her freezed like a statue her friends come running to her.*/

Khushi- Hey Arohi. What happened?

(Arohi is fuming with anger)

Neha- Just look at her don't know what he said to her.

Arohi- I don't understand what kind of a person he is. A damn thing in the whole world. The worst person I ever met. An egoistic creature.

Khushi- What did he say? And you can't call a six feet handsome guy a Thing!

Arohi- You mind your Viraaj don't get into this person's brain. It is a puzzle which can never be solved. Asking him for a coffee was too much and now he wants me to pick him up from the class,that too in between.

Neha- Now that's like Arjun. I said you he is a really tough guy.But why does he want all this only from you? Any girl in the college would move around him just like that. I don't understand why he is concentrating on you.

Arohi- Leave it. I said you he is an unsolvable puzzle. Let's move we have more problems to solve in these books. Anyway I don't have any idea of meeting him even once after today. I will keep my promise as he did and that's it. Neither he'll come to the college nor I'll go to him.

/* They go to their classes and as said Arohi takes permission from professor in her class and goes out. She goes to the senior's class requests the professor over there to send Arjun out as she needed to know about how to enroll her team and everything else as a newcomer. The professor got convinced as Arjun was the college representative and sent him out. They move silently to the canteen. Arjun notices that Arohi is feeling uncomfortable and a bit irritated. They take a table in the middle and Arohi orders a coffee. They are followed by their friends. */

Arjun- Why wasn't this irritation shown on that night? A single coffee hmm so you have any ideas?

/* The friends were at such a distance that they could only see Arjun and Arohi but couldn't hear what they were speaking. */

Arohi-This coffee is only for you. Have it and move fast. I don't want to sit with you. By the way you too were not so rude that time. Asking the professor was so stupid and what do you gain by doing all this?

Arjun-(I love this expression of yours when you're irritated, he wanted to say but didn't) I just feel good when I am with you. Therefore all this.

Arohi- Oh is that so? I don't think we'll meet again.

Arjun- You're so confident but you are wrong and it will be proved soon. We'll surely meet and you will come running to me.

Arohi- Your coffee is finished. I have kept my promise.( She starts going.)

Arjun- Bye. I'll miss you till we meet.

/* Now all those who were waiting to have a conclusion as to what is between Arjun and Arohi, wre now confused. Seeing Arohi they could say she didn't like him but Arjun  was still staring at her with a constan smile. To clear the confusion Raghav went to Arjun. */

 Raghav- Hi bhai. What are you doing here?

Arjun- You think I don't know that all of you were spying on us from behind? It is that innocent girl in your trap not me.

Raghav- So you know everything. Then tell me how can you smile at a girl who has such irritated feelings towards you?

Arjun- I can't see her irritation . All I can see is her innocence. Just see her dude she is so pure at heart. Her dressing,her way of speaking and her eyes are so different from everybody I have seen. Avoiding me? How unique!

Raghav- So you like her?

Arjun- Don't get any extra ideas okay. I just said she's different.

Raghav- You have changed. Even you are doing things different from what you used to. First, you watched her dance completely. Second, you changed the rules of selecting dance team. Third, urged her for a coffee even though she didn't like it and now you speak as if you know her for years.

Arjun- I don't need to answer to you. Go to your class and see to your Neha.

/* Days pass by and suddenly one day in the evening, Arohi is called by her physics professor */

Professor- Arohi I have a bad news for you. You have to submit your project work in two days and I can't help as I am going out of station.

Arohi- But sir I haven't taken any notes from you and you know it's an individual project so I can't take help from anybody else.

Professor- Its important so I have to go but I have a solution for your problem. In our library there are projects of your seniors on thesame topics that you have. Check if anybody's matches yours. It will help you and you are a clever girl. I am sure you can do it.

Arohi- Okay sir I will but may be its wrong to do so. Principal ma'am might not agree.

Professor- I will talk to her. You go now and concentrate on the project.

/* Arohi goes to her room and says Khushi and Neha about it. She asks them if they could come along but they were busy with their own projects so she had to go alone. Neha promised Arohi that if her work completes she would come to her. Arohi went to the library and finds an attendant standing there. He said that physics professor had said him everything and she was allowed to take the projects and went away. Arohi was left alone in the library. It was 5.30 pm, she was going through the books and projects and gathering information. Time was flying.

Now Arohi had a bad habit of not checking time when deeply engrossed in work and soon it was night. She was still busy in searching for a similar old project but it was not yet found. Suddenly power goes away and she freezes like a statue as she fears darkness the most. Slowly she hears footsteps in the corridor coming nearer to her. She felt it was Neha and runs towards the sound and tightly hugs the person. She didn't know that it was Arjun. */

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