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/* Arjun runs to her and she is still looking at her books. */

Arjun- Arohi How are you? Why didn't you come back soon? Anyway I am happy you came back. Did you meet Neha before me? Why didn't you call me? I tried but your phone was switched off. Did you meet our principal? What did she say? Don't worry I will manage all that. I knew you would come back to me. Say something. What happened?

/* Still she doesn't even lift her eyes from the book. He observes it. */

Arjun- What? Not a single glance at me. Did anything bad happen? Don't worry I will manage everything. Just stay with me. I have been waiting all these days just for you and you have nothing to say to me.

/* She still doesn't turn. He takes her book, she then looks at him. Her eyes were blood red. Arjun understood the matter was serious. */

Arohi(sternly)- Give my book back.

Arjun- First talk to me.

Arohi- See I am not at all interested in speaking to you and am least bothered about you. So please leave me alone and go away.

/* For a minute he was speechless. He didn't understand her behavior and couldn't tolerate such a reply. She was rude to him before but this was different. */

Arjun- Arohi is this you?

Arohi- Yes it's me, in all proper senses.

Arjun- Then who was that Arohi who always cared for me? Who spent most of her time with me? Who dressed up for me and always listened to me. Who bought a smile to my face and took it away with her and the one who left her SOUL with me?

Arohi- I have to leave.

Arjun- Not before answering my question. Reply.

Arohi- I don't need to.

Arjun- You have to. You have to reply to a person who's been madly waiting from two months just to see you and speak to you. Should he get such a rude reply?

Arohi- Yes I am being rude. Your presence itself is irritating.

Arjun- Oh really? Then all this year who were you with? NOW my presence is irritating for you?

Arohi- Yes yes yes. Why don't you understand? I don't even want to see your face.

Arjun- So that's the reason you are not lifting your head. I thought you were hiding your tears.

(She looks at him surprised)

Arjun- You thought I didn't see? I can clearly see through your mind Arohi. You are the biggest liar ever.

Arohi- No

Arjun- Yes you are. All what you said now is false. I didn't know you could act so well but why?

Arohi- What I said is the truth. I don't want to speak to you or answer you or even look at you. You just used me to satisfy your ego have been playing with my feelings all the year. I have realized it now and can have no more of it.

Arjun- Promise?

/* He expected she would bend now as promises were her weakness. She musters all her courage. */

Arohi- I promise that the next you speak to me I will..

(Arjun cuts her sentence)

Arjun- Enough no need to complete it. I will not meet you again if you don't want. I pity you for understanding me so well. Congratulations, now you have come to know the truth about me. Still I don't change my words. If my Arohi thinks I am so, then be it, so am I. Remember that you are being very unjust by not telling the real reason.

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