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/* The temple is very huge and beautiful. Arohi is very happy and Arjun is happy looking at her. They see all the shrines and then sit down in the premises. She gives him a little sindhur to put on his forehead and he instead puts it on hers. */

Arohi- Arjun! Do you even know the meaning of it?

Arjun- Yes I do. It means you are mine forever and we both are going to stay together.

Arohi(smiles)- You are crazy.

Arjun- So are you.

Arohi- I love this place. See the architecture. The sculptures are so beautifully carved.

Arjun- Not more than you.

Arohi- Enough of lies already that night you said one and now again.

Arjun- What?

Arohi- I know it wasn't you who took the badge but whosoever it is I don't have a problem with them as I know in this world the people who hate me are more than the people who love me.

Arjun- and their love is enough to suffice all the hatred. If you knew that I didn't take the badge then why did you do the drama of being angry and this condition?

Arohi- I wanted to visit this temple and see Delhi.

Arjun- Or rather you wanted to come out with me, right?

Arohi- Wrong. Now take your prasad(offering to the god).

Arjun- Feed me.

Arohi(puts it in his mouth)- Now I am there so I will feed you. If I go away then who will?

Arjun- I don't know your successor's name yet.

Arohi- You are planning to have one?

Arjun- You said it and your word is my command.

Arohi- Stop this.

Arjun- Oh jealous.

Arohi- Not at all. I know there are so many girls around you all the time.

Arjun- Then you will also know that I don't care the least about them.

Arohi- Yes I know. Arjun Singhania is a tough guy and doesn't even think about girls.

Arjun- But now he has gone crazy for one, actually one of a kind.

Arohi- Still you won't get anything.

Arjun- I don't want anything from you. Just stay with me and I'll rule the world.

Arohi- So cheesy! are you a king now?

Arjun- I will be but only if I have my queen.

Arohi- You think you will call me and I'll follow?

Arjun- I don't need to call you but still you will follow me. See.

(He takes one of her anklets and runs)

Arohi- Arjun stop. Return it to me. I can't even run in this dress.

Arjun- Well if you want this then you have to.

/* He keeps running and Arohi is behind him. Suddenly they collide and fall in the green meadow nearby. Arohi tries to get up but her earring is stuck to his shirt. They sit down slowly and she tries to free her earring. Arjun loved it when she was that close to him. */

Arjun- Do it slowly. There is no hurry.

Arohi- For you it may not be but I am in a hurry. 

Arjun- Aah! 

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