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/* Arjun is very worried about Arohi. He never saw her crying that much. He asks her why she is crying but she doesn't answer him. She is not at all in this world. There were hundreds of thoughts running in her mind, which were going to happen now. She knew that for her family, friendship between a boy and girl is a big sin. She tried to avoid him from beginning but couldn't stay too far from him. Now her mother saw her dancing with him .

This was not going to be easy for her. Her eyes were filled with tears every moment she thought about it. The worst and sure thing to happen is LEAVING the COLLEGE. She had to leave it all forever,her friends,dance,her passion and Arjun forever. For Arjun all this was shocking. He couldn't understand why she was crying even after performing well. He guessed it was the phone call. The only thing he knew was he had to stop her. */

Arjun- Arohi what happened? Please stop crying. I can't see you like this.

Arohi- You can never see me again.

Arjun- What? No Arohi nothing of that sort is going to happen.

Arohi- Yes it is going to happen, this very moment. Remember I said you from first itself. I knew this would happen some or the other day. I am going to leave you forever and ever Arjun.

/* Saying that she hugs him tightly. He holds her firm and tries to coax her but is shocked to see her so. He knew although Arohi liked him she would never behave in such a way giving him positive signal. He furled his hand on her hair, she sobbed more. */

Arohi- I know these words will be painful to you but just FORGET me Arjun. At least for my sake forget me.

Arjun(comes back and holds her by her arm)- Have you gone crazy? You are asking me to do an impossible task.

Arohi- You have to. If you really like me please do so but remember the promise you made to me. Reach all possible heights in life. You know I like best people so be the best and here this bracelet will remind you of this promise.

Arjun- This is for me? From you?

Arohi- Yes I bought it during the vacations itself. It took me so much time to give it to you. Its not platinum just silver. You may not like it but still..

Arjun- I love it and you know what, for me even poison from your hands is acceptable.

Arohi- No please don't say like that. Wherever I will be, I will be happy only if I you are safe and happy.

Arjun- Happy without you?

Arohi- Yes you have to, at least for my sake. Promise on me that you will be safe and not harm yourself after I leave.

Arjun- Why should you leave? At least say the reason.

Arohi- First my promise.

Arjun- Okay promise. Now tell the reason.

Arohi- The reason is I don't want to do anything that hurts my parents. I always respect them and to see happiness on their face I can sacrifice anything.

Arjun- Anything?

Arohi- Even my life and now I am just leaving my... soulmate. I still have my body with me that will keep going until there is breath in it.

Arjun- No I am not letting you go anywhere far from me.

Arohi- Do you want more problems for me? It won't change the consequences. Please don't do anything.

/* In mean time all the performances are finished and the last one was Rey- Kria's. Judges talk about them. */

Judges- Wow guys. A superb aerial act. Are all josphines perfectionists in dance? Very good job. Now all the participants are requested to come onto the stage.

(All reach including Arjun and Arohi)

Judges- All of you'll were really amazing but only one pair can win right? We already decided upon it. Every participant was at equal grade but one pair with their absolutely flawless performance made our decision very easy leaving us no other choice. In a few seconds its going to be 12 and then the result will be announced. Count with us 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..0 HAPPY NEW YEAR!! The winners are Arjun- Arohi.

/* They both look at each other. Tears flow down from their eyes. They are handed the trophy. */

Arjun- This is what we have worked for all these days but it isn't giving us happiness.

Arohi- I am happy that one of your dreams is fulfilled.

Arjun- I never thought that my dream day would be the day of our separation and it would shatter all my other dreams.

/* Arohi notices her mother full of anger and waiting for her. She takes Arjun back stage. */

Arohi(She hugs him tight)- Remember your promises. Only if you will be in the position I will be happy. I cannot be yours but I will never be another's. For you Arohi is dead today and now itself.

Arjun- No Arohi how can you say that?

/* She closes his mouth with her hand and gestures not to say anything. She looks at his face for one last time and runs away from him without even turning back once. He didn't stop her because she said it would create more problems for her and he didn't want that. The next day Arohi's mom comes to college and takes her things away and vacates the hostel .From that day itself Arjun becomes very silent. He doesn't speak to anyone, if he does he asks if there is any information about Arohi. In spite of all this he was regular to his classes and firmly believes Arohi will return to him one day.

He tries to call her but her mobile is switched off. He spends most of his time alone, staring at the bracelet for hours. He even hands over his responsibilities as the college representative to his assistant. Neha comes to know the truth about Khushi and changes her room. She didn't ever talk to Khushi after that. When Arjun comes to know that Khushi did that to Arohi he had almost slapped her but stopped himself as he respected women. One day he is sitting in the library thinking about that night with Arohi there and Raghav comes to him. */

Raghav- Arjun bhai what are you doing here alone?

Arjun- Nothing.

Raghav- What happened to you now a days? It has been a long time since you spoke to me. Even Arohi left the college suddenly. What happened that night?

Arjun- She didn't say the reason properly but said she had to go.

Raghav- Don't feel bad but I think she never cared about you as much as you did for her. She always ignored you although she knew you were crazy for her.

Arjun- Raghav I know you are concerned for me but I know MY Arohi better. She must have had her reasons. She will come back to me.

Raghav- My Arohi? Okay I will not discourage you but please don't become like this. It's been a month she has gone and you have still not come out of this feeling.

Arjun- I can never come out of this feeling until I see her. If god really exists he will surely fulfill the only wish I asked him for. You will see, Arohi will come back. For now I have a lot to study. Let's go.

Raghav- You and this much studious?

Arjun- I need to fulfill my promise to somebody.

Raghav- Who? Your mom?

Arjun- No Arohi.

Raghav- Oh that's good. She thought about you at least a little by what I saw.

/* They go away. In this fashion one more month passes. Their final exams are near and on the first exam day while Arjun is waiting outside the hall, he feels something awkward and he turns back. There near some trees far behind he sees Arohi standing alone. Her eyes were on her books. Arjun was so happy that he shouted in delight. */

Arjun- Raghav see My Arohi is back. I said you she will come back to me. See.

Raghav- I can't believe my eyes.

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