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/* Rey and Arjun meet in the playground. Rey is surprised as to why Arjun called him at this time as they had an important class to attend. The playground was empty as most of the students were busy in the morning classes. Arjun comes. */

Rey- Hey Arjun. Why did you call me at this time? Anything serious?

Arjun- Yes serious and you may not believe me.(he shows rey the thing he found in the storeroom.)

Rey- This is Arohi's badge right? It's good that you found it but where was it?

Arjun- In the store room. Somebody did this purposefully.

Rey- Who could do this?

Arjun-Its... Kria. You see I am not saying it just like that. I found this along with the badge.

Rey- It's Kria's ring. Then she might have done it. I didn't expect her to do like this.

Arjun- Even I didn't. You have to fix her and I'll manage Arohi.

Rey- I know what to do. Leave this to me. I promise you will find a new changed Kria soon.

/* They go away to classes. Arohi is still tensed about her badge and is unable to concentrate on the class. Arjun wanted to meet Arohi and give her the badge but principal had engaged him in some work so he was busy all day. In the evening as she goes to her room,she inquires her friends whether they saw her badge or not. All say no. She does her assignments and sleeps. Suddenly she hears a sound and wakes up. */

Arohi- Arjun, you? here?

Arjun- Sssh speak softly. Actually I came here to say Sorry.

Arohi- For what?

Arjun- Here is your badge. I took it to tease you. Sorry.( He lied because Kria was his best friend and he couldn't take her name)

Arohi- What? I don't believe you. This is notorious Arjun. You know how tensed I was.

Arjun- I know. Take it easy chill now.

Arohi(she puts a irritated face)- Chill? This is not the way. You know I was only worried that I couldn't keep my promise to you. I am not talking with you. 

Arjun- You behave like children.(She remains silent and turns away). Okay fine I lost to you as I always do. Say what should I do for you?

Arohi- Now that's like a good boy. Listen you have to take me to Akshardham temple here on 31st morning. That way I can see Delhi and we can pray for our finals also.

Arjun- Taking you to temple is okay but me in a temple?

Arohi- You speak as if I asked you to come to meet an alien. What is so awkward in coming to a temple? Anyway you don't have a choice.

Arjun- I know. Fine we'll go. Good night.

/* Arjun goes away. On the other hand in Kria's room, Rey comes and takes away her badge. The next morning when Kria finds that her badge is missing she is totally disappointed. She doesn't even attend her classes and searches for her badge. In the evening she goes to the rehearsal room where Arjun,Arohi and Rey are practicing. */

Rey- Hey Kria. What happened you didn't come to class today?

Kria- Everything is finished for me. I can't take part in the finals anymore. (She cries)

Arjun- Kria be clear. What happened?

Kria- I lost my badge. Its over. My dream of becoming a dancer is futile.

(Rey winks at Arjun and he understood the plan)

Arohi- Yesterday itself I found mine. It was for good. I think you must participate. Here take my badge. I don't dream to be a dancer but you do, so you need it more than me.

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