Chapter 12

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(Third Person POV)

"Give in..." the voice spoke quietly as it circled it's unconscious victim.

"N-never" the boy spoke in his daze, and stood up as he awoke.

"Why don't you just give in to me...I can make you the king of darkness" the voice spoke ever so softly.

"If you think I'll let you turn me into your personal slave, then forget it freak!" The boy yelled, not really seeing where the owner of the voice was.

"Oh you will give in to me, I have my ways" the voice said, still keeping its cool.

"Oh really? Try me!" The boy yelled.

"You'll regret it, but okay. Time for you to see the truth" the voice said, then it snapped it's fingers and suddenly it and the boy were in the middle of a crowd.

"Hey look it's the green 'savior' that doomed us all!" A man in the crowd yelled.

"Huh?" The blonde uttered as he stood up and looked at the angry mob of angry citizens.

"If you never ran after her none of this would've happened!" A woman yelled.

"Why couldn't just stay with your family!" Another man yelled.

The boy looked at the destroyed city of Ninjago that stood before him, burning to ashes and slowly falling apart.

"I-im sorry! I didn't know this would happen!" The boy yelled now feeling guilt arise in him.

"Suuure, just say sorry and we'll forgive you. As if!" Another woman yelled.

"How could you?! We all looked up to you!" A teenage girl yelled.

"How could you turn your back on us like that!" A child yelled.

"I'm sorry...I didn't...I didn't know.." the boy said as he fell to his knees.

"Ah, is the green ninja sad? Well you should be! I can't believe I ever teamed up with such a selfish jerk!" The red ninja yelled.

"Kai? What no I'm sorry!" The boy yelled again, the tears falling down From his eyes.

"This does not compute, you are a virus" the white, now titanium, ninja said.

"Look at him Nya! So pathetic and weak" the blue ninja mocked.

"Aww, is he crying now?" The water ninja said in mock pity.

"I should've never let you take my leadership!" The black ninja yelled.

"I...I.." the boy stammered but stopped at the sight of his father, sensei Garmadon.

"I was never proud of you, in fact you were never my son!" The old sensei yelled.

"Dad...are you.." the boy tried to speak but couldn't get himself to finish the dreadful sentence.

"Yes, I'm disowning you, you pathetic worthless child. I thought I raised you better than this" the sensei said as he walked away.

" wait!" The boy yelled as the crowd slowly disappeared and all was black.

The tears broke free once more and the boy was left to himself.

"I didn't know I was...I thought it was right to...I didn't know..." the boy spoke as he cried and cried.

"Join me and we will eliminate those who hated you, join me!" Voice yelled.

The boy suddenly dropped unconscious as the voice took over.

Darkness won him over.

The green ninja awakes and finds himself facing Sledge.

"So, are your willing to join me now?" Sledge asked with a pleased smirk on his face.

Lloyd's eyes glowed an eery yellow, and he then stated coldly "when do we start?".

(Kaila's POV)

"So Luna, I know you don't have the best relationship with your mom, but you should really move on" I told the now worried Luna.

"Kaila it's not about mom, it's about Lloyd. What have I done to him? I turned him into a...into a.." Luna stopped herself as she dropped back onto the closest rock.

"Luna it's not your fault! If you knew you would've never done it" I said.

"If I never ran away, if I never encountered him in the forest, none of this would be happening! He would be all over you doing who knows what!" She yelled and I blushed a deep red at her comment.

She stopped and looked at me, a small smile growing on her face "too much?" She asked.

I simply nodded as I was too embarrassed to speak.

"Look I'm just doing what every sister would be doing by now, worrying" she said.

"Yeah, but for now don't be too heavy on yourself. We'll save him then we can all be a happy family" I said.

She smiled at that, "yeah, I'd like that".

(Hope's POV)

"Daddy? mommy? Xander?!" I yelled out to the black darkness.

Silence was all I got again.

Suddenly there was laughing and I couldn't help but shiver in fear.

" anyone there?" I asked now afraid of what was ahead of me.

"Oh nothing except your doom young one" a cold mean voice mocked with a sickening laugh.

"Who...who are you?!" I yelled in fear.

"I'm surprised you forgot me already" I heard the voice say.

Suddenly I was hit on the side and the last thing I saw before passing out was bright yellow eyes.

"D-daddy?" I questioned before falling into an abyss of darkness again.

I screamed myself awake from my terrible nightmare.

Ever since daddy was missing, my head kept making creepy dreams, thus rendering my nights restless.

I was really scared now, especially with mommy away leaving me and Xander with uncle Jay and Auntie Nya.

I was gonna go get myself a glass of water when suddenly I heard the window open.

I turned around and was greeted by something that made me scream my lungs out.

A weird android of some kind was standing in front of me with a cloth on her hand.

"Hey little girl, if you wanna see daddy you'll have to come with me" it(she?) said.

"I...who are you?!" I yelled in fear, Xander was a deep sleeper so he couldn't hear me.

"I'm Metal Alice, a good...friend...of your daddy. Unless you come with me willingly, I will have to force you" she said.

I just screamed and tried to run but I was grabbed by my arm and the cloth was pressed to my nose as I breathed in the strange smell.

Then everything went black.


So...comments? I don't know! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Lots of mystery! Why would Metal Alice want Hope? Find out next chapter!


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