Chapter 22

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Hello! Just a warning, feels on the  way! Proceed.

(Luna's POV)

The Bounty was closing in on our location and the ninja have grown extremely curious of where we were; most of them anyway, Lloyd seemed to be familiar of the area.

"Well guys, welcome to Hiroshi's Labyrinth!" I announced to the Ninja; they looked dumbly unaware of where this was.

"Wait," Kai turned to Lloyd, "isn't this where you and your father hid from the Overlord?". The look in Lloyd's eyes said that he was flashing back to said day, then he shook his head and nodded.

"Why would you want to meet your lover in Hiroshi's Labyrinth? This place is a maze no one's ever exited!" Lloyd looked extremely confused at the concept, so I spared him from the confusion and kept silent.

"So, where is the place Sledge mentioned? Pixel says this place​ is extremely large and easy to lose yourself in" Zane shared as his blue mechanic eyes scanned the forest.

I looked around at our surroundings, after some searching I found it. "There, that cliff above that waterfall" I answered. Lloyd's eyes widened, "you found the jewel too?".

"Tobias and I, and yes we did. It was one of our last few moments together" I looked down sadly, the memory of our last day together hurt. It had burned for a long time now.

Luna and Tobias held hands as they walked through the vast land of the Labyrinth. It was no wonder people lost their lives looking for an exit.

"Tobias," Luna sighed, exhausted from the walking they've done, "are you sure you aren't lost". Tobias looked indignant, causing Luna to giggle at his expression.

"I am not lost!" Tobias stated; his dignity was on the line here, he had to prove to Luna he wasn't a lost cause when it came to geography. "I think" he whispered.

Luna sighed yet again and followed her fiance as he led her.

It took some time, but soon they came upon a beautiful oasis that was bathed in sunlight. What struck her gaze was the magnificent waterfall that stood in the center of it all.

"Woah..." Luna had a look of pure awe on her face, and Tobias felt smug knowing he was the cause of that.

"It's beautiful, but why are we here?" Luna's curiosity got the best of her. As much as Tobias pretended, he couldn't hide his stiff posture and nervousness from her.

"Wait, let's go up there first" Tobias pointed upwards at the cliff that stood behind the waterfall. Luna swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded.

The vista that was granted to her from the cliff was beautiful, but her fiance's very obvious discomfort was distracting her. What was this about?

She saw Tobias take a deep breath before he spoke up, "Luna, I thought over it yesterday, and I decided that I only want the best for you. I want to offer you a future of chance and joy, but now...".

Luna was now more worried than ever; they rarely talked about their future together, and when they did it was usually a brief conversation.

"What's wrong? If this is about the future, don't think of that now. We have an eternity to figure that out" she said.

Tobias sighed, then he looked at Luna as he confessed, "Luna, I can't offer you happiness because...well...the Great Devourer bit me".

Luna's shocked and pained gasp was like a stab to his heart. He knew how much she loved him and wanted to grow old with him, but it was the bitter truth and there was no escaping it.

"W-what..." She stammered, "how is this possible?!".

"I don't know, but it won't be long now before I turn evil and hurt you." Tobias was shaking, Luna noticed, " have to leave me. I know it's hard but when I'm evil I won't care and I'll end up hurting you and-".

"Don't say that! You don't know that!" She felt tears stream down her cheeks, "let me help you! Mom was there to help dad so let me do the same!".

"You can't!" Tobias snapped. Luna looked taken back from his snap, then remembered that the poison usually acted fast. Luna held in a sob.

" father broke under the stress and he went rotten and- I don't want that for you!" She sobbed. Tobias looked heartbroken, he had caused her great pain.

He searched his brain for ideas to push away his fiance in a way that wouldn't hurt her, but realized there was none. He finally decided and turned to look at the vista, "I'm going to walk away from you, Lunamaria. I don't want to hurt you and when I'm finally cured one day, I'll come back to you. I promise".

Luna couldn't control her sobs anymore, she ran at her love and higher him tightly. "I don't want you to go! Please don't leave me alone Toby!".

This was inevitable and he had to protect her, so Tobias manned up and decided what to do. "I'm sorry, but pleas let go..." He whispered as he pulled her arms away from him.

Luna didn't want to be alone again, why was this happening?! Tobias had started walking away, but Luna ran after him and held onto his back with the grip of a viper.

Tobias sighed, there was no other way. He turned around, and while she was in her mushy state, knocked her out using her pressure point.

Luna fell limp against him, and he had to force himself away from her. He couldn't take looking at her in this state, it hurt him. He laid her down on a soft patch of grass, stole one final kiss from his beloved, and walked away.

"-na, Luna!" Jay's constant yelling of my name snapped me out of my flashback. "O-oh sorry what was that?" I laughed nervously.

"I said that we landed! Come on!" Jay said, annoyed I had been blocking him out. "Right, wish me luck guys" I told the ninja, then walked out. The Bounty went out of view as the ninja looked for a place to hide it.

This cliff was nostalgic, I hadn't seen Tobias after our last encounter here for a long time. The sound of a jet landing snapped me out of my daze.

I watched as Sledge walked out of his ride, his smirk intact.

"It's been a while, Lunamaria".


Yaaay new chapter! I suck at feels but I hope I made that emotional enough. See y'all next time😉

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