Chapter 24

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....Hi? Okay I'm coming out clean on this: I'm lazy as hell. I didn't have the will or mood to update this for the longest time and I've slowly lost the excitement I used to have when writing this story. It happens, sad to say. I've also been super stressed from schoolwork (IB Schools suck man) and recently finished my novel for Personal Project. I just might post it here on wattpad ;)

Again: I'm really really sorry :(

(Third POV)

Lunamaria had seen many unseemly, crazy, and horrifying things in her life, and she mentally patted herself on the back every time she lived, survived, and moved on. This was supposed to be the same, this was supposed to be another heartaching mission that would free her, albeit painfully.

Who was she kidding? Life had never really liked her, so why would it now, the moment she finally had some time to talk to, to see, her one true love that was still her love even after he became what he was known as.

Time seemed to freeze over as Luna's ears caught the sound and the sight of a blade piercing through Sledge, painstalkingly being pulled back as he gasped in pain, coughing and spluttering, and collapsed limply to the floor.


Luna snapped her eyes away from the body (corpse, her brain uselessly retaliated) and looked up to find a source to aim her anger at. Her despair.

Her eyes met with blank metal eyes that shone in their normal oddly familiar baby blue. Zane? 'No,' she backtracked. It was someone else.

"Operation completed," the robotic voice of Metal Alice droned as she observed the byproduct of her mission. When Luna finally found it in her to finally speak up, she snapped, "Why did you do that?! Wasn't he your master?!"

Metal Alice blankly responded, rather dully, "I was simply following my original programming's specific orders and missions."

"Your programming? So did you want to kill him willingly?" Luna hoped to drag this out long enough for the ninja to arrive at least, seeing as Metal Alice wasn't exactly human, so she was a dangerous threat as well.

"I do not understand what you are asking of me. My mission does not require any sort of 'emotions', and my creator agrees as well." Metal Alice wiped off her blade and took out another one from wherever the hell she had hidden them.

Luna felt a ball of energy growing in her hands as she growled, "You will regret this."

The robot blinked as she inquired, "Your blood pressure levels are rising, are you angry?"

She seemed so familiar, and Luna couldn't ignore that this familiar feeling was accompmanied by a sort of fondness. She shook her head and released her dark energy ball.

Metal Alice dodged the blast swiftly as her crystal eyes flashed red. "My creator has ordered the destruction of the ninja, and I shall obey. I apologize for this." the drone moved ahead at a rather terrifying speed and landed a smooth kick at Luna's abdomen.

The metal kick landed a throbbing bruise on Luna as she attempted to retaliate with a kick of her own, but regretted it as soon as the metal body sent a flash of pain in her leg. She gasped, gathering her faltering energy and using it to conjure up another blast of energy.

Metal Alice wasn't even fazed as she ran ahead and attacked Luna with her blades, the latter doing her best to dodge and defend as she felt her body flow with adrelanine. She was tiring out fast, and She had to stall until the ninja would notice the long time interval she had taken.

"Who is your creator?" Luna grunted as she powered up her hands and landed a powered punch at Metal Alice's head, sending an eye flying off, leaving behind an intricate combination of wires and chips.

Metal Alice flew back into a tree, but she recovered quickly and stood up. "Who created me is of no importance to you, all I must do is accomplish the mission I've been assigned."

Luna was getting really pissed at this tin can's lack of will to speak. "I must obey the creator and never stray like the prototype 061 did, and that means your demise is also necessary."

Before the girl could question the android, said android released a sticky bomb. Luna prepared to dodge, and smirked as she realized the droid missed. "Ha, you-"

The sound of debris starting to form startled Luna as she looked above her. The rocks that seemed to far away were now charging at her from all directions.

Her scream of surprise was never voiced.

At the Bounty

The sound of grunts and huffs of effort could be heard from the floating sky ship as it fell under raid. Raided by what exactly? The answer to that was the strange android soldier things that the ninja were hoping would fall back soon enough.

"Jay, look out behind you!" Lloyd called out from his place on deck as he kicked away another android. Jay exclaimed in surprise and turned swiftly, his quick turn accidentally causing his flailing hands to hit a sensitive spot on the bot.

The droid collapsed with a loud thump. Jay looked shocked, but he quickly laughed it off awkwardly, "I totally meant to do that!"

Cole rolled his eyes as he grunted with a final punch aimed at his opponent's face. "Whatever, help the others while you can, Zaptrap. We need to hurry and go after Luna."

Jay pouted not unlike a child, but he obeyed anyway, muttering, "I forgot I was talking to the guy with no comedic sense."

When each ninja finally cleared their enemies, they signed in relief. Zane didn't have the chance to, seeing as Pixel suddenly piped up with, "I have caught energy signals coming from where Lunamaria has headed."

"We must hurry and aid her, let's move!" Kai determined.

"Hold it you guys," Nya said suddenly. "Do you hear that?"

Lloyd almost voiced his question of "what?" when he heard, even more so felt, the earth shaking beneath the Bounty. The ninja glanced outside and panicked as they caught sight of the avalanche of rocks that toppled over their friend.

Jay screamed a rather girly sounding scream and exclaimed, "We're too late, Luna is dead! "

"No we're not! Lets move out now!" Lloyd ordered, his Green Ninja mode turned on.

Zane nodded, but his thought strayed back to what Pixel had informed him of. Perhaps it was a coincidence?

Zane nodded and followed after his friends, his thoughts lost in the last line he heard Pixel tell him.

"The unknown source is giving off radio signals that are very similar to your own."


Hi! I'm sorry if this wasn't worth the long wait I put you through, but I really am trying to wrap up this story before I forget it and ignore it in favor of school and more stress to come. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!


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