Chapter 7

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(Lloyd's POV)

"You're no green ninja, you're my chaos".

I woke up in a jolt with a pain in my head, what happened?

I sat up and thought about what That dream was about, or was it even a dream?

I was cut from my thoughts when I saw Kaila walk in the room.

"You're awake!" She yells and she jumps on me for a hug.

"Okay okay big deal now get off please" I said while laughing at my wife's excitement.

"It took Ya long enough huh?" She asked and I just stared at her.

"Wait, how long was I out?" I asked expecting to hear a few hours.

"Uhm....a whole week..." she said and she just stared at me with watery eyes.

"Shhh, I'm alright please don't cry" I said and she punched my shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for!" I cried out.

"That was for scaring me and this" she said as she kissed me for a few quick minutes "is for waking up".

I just couldn't help but smile, I had the best wife anyone could ask for.

I heard the door knob move so I look at the door and saw Hope and Xander walk in.

"Mommy is da-" Hope says but she stops herself when she sees me smiling at her.

"Daddy!!" They both yelled and jumped into my arms.

"You're awake!" Xander yelled and Hope was just, being Hope, and smiled.

"I'm sorry I worried you" I said as I landing a kiss on their foreheads.

"Its okay daddy. You were having bad nights" she said and I saw Kaila shoot her the 'you're in trouble' look.

"Okay what happened?" I asked and they all looked at each other with worried expressions.

", you were uh, yelling out 'who are you' and 'why' every night" Xander blurted out.

"Oh.." I said. "it's okay, probably just nightmares".

"Are you sure you're okay daddy?" Asked Hope.

"Yes sweetie, now go downstairs, daddy needs a word with mommy" I said with a pat on their heads and they just smiled and ran down stairs.

"look did you want me to just tell you 'oh hey honey! You were yelling in your sleep!' Huh?!' She yelled.

"YA! I wouldn't care less I just wanted to know the truth! Is it that hard!" I yelled back, and she stepped back her eyes wide with fear.

I sighed and said "sorry, just please know you can always tell me the truth" I said and went downstairs leaving a shocked Kaila behind.

I just wanted to be alone for some time, I wasn't okay at all.

"Daddy where are you going?" Asked Xander.

"Just going to breathe in some air, I'll be back soon" I answered hoping he wouldn't feel my heart lie.

I stepped out the door and shut it behind me, I was anything but 'okay'.

I felt it, a darkness.

Dad always said there was a dark side to everyone, and he trusted I'd keep it concealed.

I sat against the trunk of the Mother Tree, thinking about..well...everything.

What felt like a few minutes of despair was hours and hours.


I shot up and looked around me, nothing.


Again the same voice, I looked carefully, there was no one.

You're too late

Now I felt I was going crazy, or maybe I was, I couldn't tell.

"Who's there?" I asked loudly.

You could've saved him Lloyd

"I could've saved dad" I whispered to myself.

You're the reason he is gone, he trusted you, you're a traitor.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled out loud; I couldn't take it anymore, I felt the guilt build up in me.

You killed him, you killed him

The voice kept chanting over and over, I was going insane.

"BE QUIET! PL-PLEASE!" I yelled with tears forming in my eyes.

"Lloyd?" I heard someone yell, Kaila.

I couldn't answer her, it's like something was holding me back, a fear.

"Lloyd?" She asked again as her voice echoed.

"Lloyd! there you are! Why weren't you-" she stops herself when she sees me, for the first time, crying.

"It's my fault..." I said under my breath.

"Lloyd I was worried sick! What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm going Insane Kaila, I don't know what's happening to me" I muttered fearfully.

"Lets get you home so we can talk about this, please let me help you for once" she said.

"I can't go home" I said " I just can't".

"Why?" Asked Kaila in concern wearing her usual worried look.

"I'm afraid.." I muttered.

"Afraid Of what? Who?" She asked.

I guess I just dozed off after that, what was I afraid of?

"I-I don't know..." I said as I looked down.

We're going to kill all of them, Lloyd, one by one.

There it was was again, the voice.

"I-I wanna go home K" I said and she just nodded knowing I was in deep thought.

-at home-

When I walked in I saw my uncle meditating on the couch in the living room.

"Welcome nephew" uncle Wu said when I was about to go upstairs.

"What seems to be troubling you?" He asked and I just stood there.

"W-why would you assume that?" I asked hoping he wouldn't catch me.

"I know you too well, what's the trouble?" he asked again, but more stern this time.

I sighed and sat on the couch facing my uncle.

"I don't know, I just seem to feel unsafe, and..." I trailed off thinking of a way to describe my state.

"Afraid?" He asked and I just couldn't answer, so I just nodded.

"What may be scaring you?" He asked as if he already knew.

I fiddled and moved around the chair thinking, actually why was I?

Then it struck me, the reason I was so afraid.

"I-I think I'm afraid...of myself"


Yo ma ninja! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, the previous chapters were just an introduction. The real story starts now...Mwahahahahaha!

-toodles >:)

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