Chapter 14

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(Third POV)

Hope stood a few inches away from a corpse.

She could get make out who it was.

all she heard was weeping and crying.

"No please...stay with me! Please!" The voice of...a girl?...yelled.

"I-it's okay...i-i don't feel the pain...I can be free...please take care of-" another voice spoke, probably the voice of the corpse she supposed.

"No! Please hang in there! We can get you to a hospital and everything will be okay! Don't go!"

"I-it's too late f-for me...b-but not you..k-keep t-that smile..."

A this was heard, then more sobbing and weeping.

Hope's eyes widened in fear and sadness.

Someone was gonna die.

Hope awoke with a scream.

She looked at her surroundings and saw that she was in a dungeon. She held a hand to her head and had one question running through her head.

'Who was that corpse?'

She was on the verge of tears after hearing the voice of the girl crying over the person.

She shoved the thought away and focused on why exactly she was kidnapped.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps was heard.

"Hello? Who's there?" She yelled into the tunnel ahead.

"Ah so you're awake" the voice of a female spoke.

The same person who kidnapped her.

"Why am I here?! I demand to know!"

"I see you aren't am ordinary toddler"

"Don't ignore my question, answer!"

The voice simply chuckled and said "All in time dear, now why don't you come with me?"

That's when she remembered the girl's threat.

"Where's my daddy?!"

"Wouldn't you like to know, oh well. He's in good hands, for now".

"For now?"

"If you don't comply to my master's orders you can rest assure that you will never see your daddy again, at least not the way you know him".

Hope couldn't help but wonder why she meant.

All that she knew was that it was bad news.

(Kaila's POV)

Things weren't any better now that Hope has been kidnapped.

Could her kidnapper be the same person who took Lloyd?

It was a reasonable possibility.

"Jay any signal from Lloyd or Hope?" I asked Jay, who was busy trying to track down any of the missing members.

"Not yet, there's something blocking the signal, like a strong magnetic force"

I sighed in defeat and sat down.

The bounty came to Pick us up, Luna and Mizar included, from their cave.

"Say Luna, how as Lloyd before you..." I asked trying to break the silence.

She sighed and said "the same as he is now, or was. Why couldn't I just talk to him? If I didn't tun away he wouldn't be corrupted right now"

I felt sorry for her, I really did. She's blaming urself over something didn't have control over.

"If Lloyd we're here, he'd say it wasn't your fault"

She looked up at me and there was a gleam of hope in her eyes after I had spoken.

"Yeah...he would"

I smiled.

Lloyd even got smiles on other's faces, even in their eyes, even when he wasn't around.

"Hey where's Mizar?" I asked.

"Oh him? He's probably exploring the Bounty, he was always a fan of high tech"

"Oh, no wonder he and Jay got along so well"

"Guys! I got a signal on Hope's location!" Jay suddenly piped in.

"That's great! Wherever she is Lloyd might be there too! Set course to her location!" I ordered.

"Jeesh who made you the boss?"

"I did, now move zap trap" Luna giggled at the name I gave Jay.

He just sighed in defeat and left to start the engines.

There was still hope in finding my family.

I got up to give Xander the good news.

(Third POV)

Sledge sat on his thrown awaiting news from his assistant.

The doors to the thrown room flew open and his ever so faithful ally walked in.

"The bounty is closing in sire" he said with a smirk.

"Ah, excellent. Go prepare for battle Boy, and make sure you get a gift while you're at it"

Lloyd excuses himself and leaves to the weaponry area.

Sledge's assistant walks in the moment the boy left.

"Hows the girl?"

"She's awake and from the looks of it, she may have seen a devastating vision"

The master grins and says "did she notice that we saw the vision through the device we set in her head?"

"Not yet, it seems one of the green ninja's friends might die today" she grinned.

"Interesting, indeed. Keep an eye on her, she might show us how we can defeat those ninja"

"Yes master"

(Lloyd's POV)

I've trapped in here for a long time I've realized.

I was down to just my upper part of my body.

I couldn't let myself go down without a fight.

I was in my memory chamber so many memories of me and Luna played in my head.

"Luna are you really leaving?"

The face of Luna's was eyes appeared.

This wasn't the Luna I knew, that sad face couldn't belong to her.

That's when I realized this might be how she looks right now.

She always blamed herself for everything, considering she was the older sister.

I couldn't imagine Luna without that smile, not even Mizar.

I missed those days, when it was just the three of us playing with dad.


What would dad do if he were here?

I've let him down, I'm not the hero he wanted me to be.

I was a failure.

I failed to protect my family and now who knows what they think of me.

I let the evil take control and I felt it was my fault.

Funny thing was, I sounded like Luna now. I let the sleep take over.

After all, I was just a memory right now. A hated memory.


Heeeey...*nervous laugh* solo this want action packed but it explains how they all feel now. Next chapter will be more interesting, I hope. I'm having slight writer's block.


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