Chapter 22

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*Lizzy's POV*

I woke up to see the light streaming through the window. I blinked a couple of times, before rolling out of bed and closing the curtains. Marie was still asleep and an evil plan crossed my mind. I walked quietly over towards her bed and leaned over her, opening my mouth to yell in her ear, when she suddenly opened her eyes and yelled (not sure what) in my face. I jumped back and screamed really loudly, and tripped over the comforter that was trailing on the ground. I landed on my rear end with a thump. Marie sat up in bed laughing and holding her stomach. I crossed my arms and glared at her, being careful of my bruise.

*Josh's POV*

I woke up to hear screaming. It was coming from the girls' room. I shot up, and ran towards the door with the others following behind me and  coming from the other room. A million thoughts crossed my mind as I raced out the door. Did Lizzy faint agaim? Was there someone in there? I didn't check the closet....was there someone in there? I ran up to the door.  Wait, was that laughter coming from inside? I turned the handle. It was locked. I knocked loudly on the door.

"Lizzy, Marie. Are you guys okay?" I called through the door. It was quite in the room for a second before the laughter errupted again, I immediatly recognised the laughter as Marie's. Why is she laughing? I then heard Lizzy's voice yelling at her about something.

"Lizzy are you okay?" I shouted. It was quite, so I banged on the door again.

"Yeah, I'm fine Josh. We both are." She shouted back. I relaxed when I heard this. The others  relaxed as well. We were all wide awake now, we might as well get ready to go again.

"Alright, well then get dressed, ok?"

"We will." Marie sang. 

I turned to look at the rest of the guys. I shrugged my shoulders not really understanding what was going on, but we'd find out later.

*Marie's POV*

Wow, I'm on fire scaring Lizzy. I was standing next to the bed now, but Lizzy was still sitting where she had fallen. I snickered and tried to hold back my smile.

"Come on let's go get dressed." I said turning away to get my clothes.

"Ow!" Lizzy cried. I turned to see what was wrong. Lizzy was standing up now and holding her hand behind her back.

"What's wrong?" I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"I fell on my tailbone." She told me.

"You get hurt a lot." I said, picking up my clothes.

"And whose fault is that?" She muttered sarcastically.

"I'm showering." I told her.

"K. I'll take one after." She said, craning her neck to try to see her bottom.

"Don't worry it's still there. Maybe a little bruised, but still there." I smirked. She rolled her eyes and I walked into the bathroom.


I ran the brush through my wet hair again before stuffing it back into my bag. I didn't have long hair and I didn't have short hair. It was just past my shoulders. I liked it, it was really curly, and I had a lot of it. I was just going to let it air dry, then probably put it up later on.

Lizzy walked out of the bathroom, wearing just a shirt and bright blue underwear. I smirked and crossed my arms, amused. She looked up at me and stopped.

"What?" She asked.

"You're missing something." I nodded to her bottom half.

"Oh, that. I know. I can't find my pants." She said looking around the room.

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