Chapter 35

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*Marie's POV*

"This is where we're stopping." Kyle announced finally at 8 o'clock.

"Sounds good." I muttered. We had spent a lot of our energy dancing and singing to different songs.

"If we get up early tomorrow morning, then we could be to Marie's in the late morning, early afternoon." Kyle stretched.

We mumbled repsonses and grabbed our bags, walking towards the hotel. We now only stop at the nicer hotels since we didn't want to have to sleep outside again. We all did our normal hotel routine then piled onto the elevator. We had decided that Aaron would stay with Cam and Ty, so they all went to their room and Dan walked into the room he was sharing with Kyle and Josh, who were following Lizzy and I do like they always do.

I slid the key in the lock and stepped aside.....we really had this down.....we didn't even have to say anything....we just did it now.

"All good." Josh said coming back and Kyle nodded too.

"Night guys." Lizzy and I said.

"Night girls." They mumbled before leaving. We were all exhausted and I knew we were all anxious to get back home. Lizzy and I changed into our pajamas quickly then collapsed onto the beds.

I woke up to a knock at the door. I looked around and saw Lizzy still asleep on her bed, so I rolled out of bed and opened the door. Ty was standing in the hall.

"We got to leave in about half an hour so hurry and get ready." He told me. "We'll be downstairs." He added. I nodded and yawned. I walked back to where Lizzy was, I started to lean down to tell her to get up, but I decided I would let her sleep a little longer.

I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top since it was warm out.

I walked back out into the main area of the room, to see Lizzy still sound asleep.

"Liz wake up!" I shouted at her. She grunted, but didn't open her eyes. "LIZ WAKE UP!" I yelled louder this time.

"I'm up." She groaned and sat up.

"Good. We got to leave in 15 minutes so hurry up." I told her. She nodded and walked into the bathroom.

She walked out ten minutes later, her hair wet, and wearing shorts and a tank top like I was. She still looked tired. We did a quick check around the room and went down to the lobby where the others were waiting.

"There you are." Cam said, dramatically.

"Alright, let's get going." Kyle nodded towards the door. We reached the car and climbed in. As soon as we started to drive away, Lizzy fell asleep.

"Wow, she must be really tired." I raised my eyebrows, looking at her.

"I know, she's sound asleep." Josh said, leaning around her trying to see her face, he instead got a faceful of hair. "Ugh! Why is her hair wet?!?"

"It's called a shower.....not that you would know." I teased.

"Ha ha ha.....I took a shower this morning for your information." He shot back.

"Hmmm....didn't notice....did you use the soap that was in there?" I smirked, the others responded with 'Burn!'s and 'Oooooo'. Josh chuckled and shook his head.

I glanced at everyone and my eyes rested on Dan. For the past day, I had pushed him and Amber from my mind, I had time to calm down, and now that I've had that time.....I was ready to hear him and out and talk to him.

It was now 1:30 PM and we were just turning onto my street. We were all excited and happy we were finally home, but Lizzy was still asleep. I have no idea how she is going to sleep tonight. Kyle parked in front of my house and sighed in relief.

"I never want to drive again." He groaned.

"Looks like your gonna have to, you gotta move closer to the curb." Cam said, straining to see out the window. Kyle looked at him open mouthed, Cam looked at him and shrugged. Kyle grumbled, but reluctantly put the car in drive and pulled a little closer to the curb. He turned off the car again, and got out of the car, followed by everyone else. Lizzy, who was just woken up by Josh, was still half asleep and followed behind slowly as we made our way to the front door.

"Come on teddy bear." Josh chuckled, walking back to her and pulling on her arm.

"Mar, unlock the door, I have to use the bathroom." Cam urged.

"Oh really?" I asked staring at him.

"Yeah, now hurry up." He sighed. I put the key in the lock and looked back to Cam, he glared at me. I turned it slightly and stopped.

"Mar," He whined. I smirked and turned it a little more and stopped again, he was now bouncing up and down in one spot. I laughed and unlocked it the rest of the way, pushing it open and standing aside for him. We laughed as he took off down the hall for the bathroom, and the rest of us walked into the house.

"Uhm, Aaron you can sleep on the floor in Cam and Ty's room." I told him.

"Cool," He shrugged and smiled to Ty, who nodded.

"Hey, Cam, we have a new roomate." Ty told Cam when he re-joined us.

"Who? Aaron?" He asked.

"Yeah, that alright?" He smiled hopefully.

"I don't care." Cam chuckled.

"Well, I'm off to throw my stuff in the wash." I said turning to head to the basement.

"Wait, can you wash my stuff too?" Everyone called after me.

"Fine. Give me your clothes." I sighed. They handed me the clothes they wanted washed and I threw them in the laundry. Cam and Ty decided to get Aaron set up in their room. We headed upstairs to resettle.

Everyone walked to their rooms and Kyle and Josh followed Lizzy and I like they normally do. I looked up at them and they looked down at me confused as to why I wasn't opening the door. They smiled when they realised what they were doing.

"Wow, that's like a habit now." Josh chuckled.

"I know right?" Kyle grinned, "I'm surprised I didn't give everyone a room key."

Later that evening we were sitting at the kitchen table eating pizza that we had put in the oven earilier. I was thinking about asking to talk to Dan, but I was still nervous about it. We kept catching each other's eye, then quickly looking away.

"Marie, can I talk to you please?" Dan asked, standing up from his seat.

"Dan, remember what I told you?" Ty glared at him. Dan looked down, but remained standing. Ty then looked to me, "Mar, do you want to talk to him......because remember what I told you."

I sighed, "Yeah, I know." I stood up, "I do want to talk to him.....I'm ready now." I looked straight at Dan. I followed him out of the kitchen and out the front door, where no one would be listening. I saw everyone's face appear in the window watching us.


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