Chapter 4: Beautiful Chaos

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A month later
August 7th, 2016

I was in my office waiting for one of my clients, Jeremih to arrive, but he was late. This would be the first time I would be meeting him as a client in the month I've been working for Def Jam. I knew him from the August Alsina tour, but I didn't really know him like that. My assistant finally came in showing him in. He sat across from me. "Oh, it's you! From the August Alsina tour!" He said smiling sitting down.

"Yes, it is and you're late!"

"Sorry, there was traffic." The number one excuse to use in New York that would be believable. It could be true or he could be lying.

"Anyway, I was looking over your profile. Your album Late Nights didn't do terribly bad, but it should've done better. I saw your tweets sharing your dissatisfaction with the label and that's where I come in. I completely agree you should've been pushed more. You're a great artist who doesn't get the shine you deserve. I think we need to push some singles harder then you can headline your own tour."

"Finally a person at this label that actually seems like they want to help me! I've been thinking about leaving this label, but you're making me rethink it. It also helps that you're beautiful," he said flashing a pretty, straight, white smile.

I cleared my throat resting my hand on my desk as if keeping my papers from moving. I was really trying to show my ring. I wrote some information down. "Give these to your manager." I handed him the papers with my left hand. His cheeky smile faded a bit when he saw my wedding ring as he grabbed the papers. I don't know how he didn't know. Towards the end of the tour it was known to everybody Dave and I were together. Maybe he missed the memo, but it has been a year since then. "Also, before we leave. Jeremih, you really need to quit missing club appearances. It's not good for your brand. That's it." He got up leaving.

I looked at my watch quickly gathering my stuff up then rushing out of the building. I needed to be home because the adoption agency is coming for our home study today. I drove as fast as I could from the city to our condo in Manhattan. When I walked in I was immediately bombarded by David. He followed me as I headed to the closet. "What took you so long? They're going to be here soon. I need help picking an outfit."

"My client was late. You're a grown ass man, Dave. I'm sure you're capable of picking your own clothes." I said looking back at him as I changed out of my work clothes.

"I'm a street nigga. I don't know what to wear for something like this." I sighed going to his side of the closet grabbing a button-up shirt.

I handed it to him with attitude. "Here, Grown Boy!"

"I'm gonna assume you had a bad day at work and let the attitude slide." He took his t-shirt off putting the shirt I handed him on. He left his jeans on then put a pair of Louboutin sneakers on. I put a sweater dress on and boots. I made sure everything in the house was clean and in order. Finally our condo was being buzzed. Both Dave and I looked at each other sighing then he pushed the button to let them up. Here goes nothing.


After giving them a tour of the place they had me go to the living room with one of the ladies and Bernice with the other to the balcony. I wiped my sweating hands due to nervousness on my jeans. "Ok, I'm just going to ask you questions and you'll answer. I'll be recording down your answers on my laptop so don't think I'm not listening." She slightly laughed and I nodded my head. "Let's begin. How was your upbringing? Like where did you grow up? Parents, siblings?

"I grew up in New York City, Spanish Harlem to be exact. I've lived in Philadelphia, Louisiana, and Maryland as well for short stints, but mostly NY. I grew up in a two parent home. My parents have been married my whole life. I have two older sisters and a younger brother."

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