Chapter 27: Horrors of the Heart

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Def Jam Office

I sat at my desk just wishing it was time for me to be off when there was a knock at the door. The door was open, so they could just come in. I looked up to see Jeremih standing there smiling. He walked in sitting across from me. After the night he kissed me I made sure I wasn't alone with him the rest of the trip. I just didn't want to get myself into anything I had no business doing. I wasn't just going to do something with him just because Dave did it.

"Hey, B. How are you?"

"I'm good. Wassup?" I asked looking over at him.

He shrugged, "Nothing. I just came to check on you considering you've been acting weird towards me. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

"If that kiss was out of line, I apologize. It's no secret I find you attractive...on the outside and inside."

I sighed, "It's okay. I just need time to myself. I don't want to pull you into my mess of a life right now. The issues with my husband, being pregnant, just everything."

"I get it. I have my own mess dealing with my baby mama and the custody battle."

I nodded my head up and down. "Obviously we still have to be friends because I work for you."

"No doubt. I'm gonna get going. Have a nice day," he said getting up. He kissed my forehead before leaving. I sighed heavily leaning back in my office chair. I was looking up at the ceiling when there was another knock at my door. I looked up to see my assistant holding a huge thing of flowers. I immediately rolled my eyes because I knew who they are from.

"Delivery!" She said excitedly placing them on the table by the couch. She left out quickly bringing another smaller box. I got up going over to them. I picked the card up to see it was just signed by Dave. I haven't seen him since I came back from London. I don't know where he's staying and I don't really care.

"I don't want them," I said walking back towards my desk.

"What? Mrs. Brewster, these are Venus et Fleur roses. Do you know how expensive these are? They're supposed to last for a whole entire year!" I looked across the room at them.

 Do you know how expensive these are? They're supposed to last for a whole entire year!" I looked across the room at them

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"They look like regular ass roses to me. You keep 'em for 365 days then because I don't want them." She stood there unsure of what to do then finally just took them out. I looked at the time on my watch then gathered all of my things up because I'm supposed to be meeting up with the girls to go nursery shopping.

. . .

I stood in this baby store with Brittany, Toya, Tasia and Tori looking at potential furniture for the nursery. It felt like the only topic they wanted to talk about is Dave and I's failing relationship. I really wish all of them would shut the fuck up. None of this so-called advice their giving me can change anything Dave has done. I huffed looking at the furniture. I spun around almost yelling, "Would you bitches shut up?! Do you think I want to hear about this all damn day? How about this?...How many say I should serve the nigga divorce papers?" They all looked at me shocked. Brittany raised her hand immediately with a stank face then so did Tori.

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