Chapter 59: 50/50

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Manhattan, NYC

"What shoes do you wanna wear, mama's? Your Uggs or Timb's?" I asked Aurora holding each pair up.

"Like yours!" She said pointing at my feet.

"Alrighty!" I said putting the Uggs back on the shelf taking the Timb's over to her. I sat her on the recliner chair putting them on her feet then tying them. "Okay, let's go. We have a lot to do today," I said putting my Chanel bag over my shoulder. I have to go get Belinda then we're going to our final dress fitting then to get Dave and Robb their rings. The ceremony is quickly approaching, so the last details need to be finished.

"Otay!" She said climbing down from the chair struggling a bit. I chuckled as she ran out of her room. Her energy is either on 100 or 0 and right now it's 100. I walked down the hallway texting my sister to ask her if she's ready when Kai bumped passed me running by me. "Excuse you, sir!"

"Sorry!" He said continuing to run. I shook my head going to the living room where I saw Ro hiding behind Dave's legs as she screamed and he tried to get to her. Dave just stood there ignoring them on the phone. At some point in parenting you learn the art of ignoring.

"Leave Ro alone, Kai!"

"She took my toy!" He yelled.

"Nuh-uh! Finders keepers!" She said sticking her tongue out.

Kai raised his hand and before he could dare hit her Dave said, "I dare you! What I say about putting your hands on females?"

He huffed looking down, "Not to, but she took my toy."

"Ask for it back nicely."

"I've already done that. She wouldn't give it back," he pouted.

"Give it here, Ro." Dave said sticking his hand out. Ro smacked it down in his hand with attitude. "Is that how you're going to hand it to me? Try again." I just stood there observing. I chuckled as she grabbed it again putting the toy car in his hand softly then folding his hand over it. I figured it was a toy car. She's always stealing them from him. I need to just start buying her her own, so she can stop taking his. It's a waste of money buying her dolls and stuffed animals.

"Alright, we have to go. C'mon, Ro." I said leading her to the door.

"We do too."

"Where are y'all going?" I asked looking over my shoulder noticing he was dressed and Kai had his basketball uniform on.

"I have to take him to basketball practice then I have to go get the rest of my stuff from my condo." Dave officially sold his condo and moved back in with me. At least until we find a house. We've been looking in New Jersey, so it'll be no time before we move. We don't really have a choice because we only have three bedrooms here and we need another room for our new addition.

We went our separate ways where I drove a few blocks to Belinda's condo building. I parked on the side dialing her number for her to come out. She finally did putting Sade in the backseat in the carseat then getting in the front. "Hey," I said casually. I was still curious about that situation in Vegas, but didn't know how to ask. I don't want her to get offended if he's not putting his hands on her. I'm just concerned. I chuckled seeing Ro and Sade catching up on what's happening in their lives through the rearview mirror. It sounded like gibberish to me, but I guess they understand each other. If they don't see each other for awhile they get distraught and have to at least face time one another. Two peas in a pod.

After the long drive to Greenwich Village we got to the wedding dress shop Dave found. He said it was the only place willing to do our dresses in such a short amount of time. Most places need months on end to alter it, especially if it's custom. Mine isn't custom, but Belinda's is. I'm satisfied with just a simple dress because I've done this already. I was a bit scared though because I had no idea how our dresses look with only a couple of weeks before the set date. Dave asked for my measurements awhile ago randomly then sent them to this lady so she could start on the dress, but that was before I knew I was pregnant. Hopefully it looks good.

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