Chapter 64: Calm Your Storms

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Manhattan, NYC

After meeting up with Dave's lawyer I put the address Belinda gave me into my navigation. The lawyer said not to anticipate the bail because it'll probably be in the high hundred thousands or millions. I don't care what it is. If I have to dip into my investments to get him out I will. Between the time he has his arraignment hearing and when he'll actually go to trial it could be months even years. You never know with the court system and I can't have him away that long.

I pulled up to the bowling alley parking. The girls wanted to go out just to distract me, but nothing can do that. I walked in getting bowling shoes then found them at a lane. I hugged Brittany, Toya then Belinda. "Finally, we've been waiting. How are you?" Brittany asked as I sat next to Belinda.

"I'm good. Let's get this game started!" I said going into competitive mode. I took my Yeezy's off putting on the bowling shoes tying them.

Toya went up to the machine putting our names in. "Pimp T, B. Money, BB, and Linda," she said putting each in. "Linda, listen, Linda!" She said mimicking the video as we laughed. Toya went first grabbing a ball walking up to the lane. She did a little dance before throwing it getting a strike on the first try. "Ooh! Beat that!" She said pointing at us before sitting down.

While Brittany took her turn I looked at my phone with Dave as my screen saver. I looked at it for a couple of seconds sighing until I heard, "It's your turn, B." I looked up seeing them all staring at me. I got up grabbing a purple ball putting my fingers in the 3 holes. If it's not bowling on Wii fit, I suck and I've come to terms with that. I'm still going to be my shit talking self though.

"Watch a real pro," I said turning towards the girls. They all smacked their lips waving me off. I turned back around shaking my butt then rolling the ball. I anticipated it going in the gutter, but instead I actually got a strike. I jumped up doing a happy dance then going back to my seat as Belinda went.

We had been bowling for awhile when I asked Belinda, "How are you and Robb? The newly weds."

"Fine, nothing has changed except my last name." She said shrugging, "He has been acting weird though."


"He's just been asking me random ass questions. I don't think much of it it's just random. They do say you never stop learning about your partner. What's up with Dave though? Any new information?"

"Not really. He's still in county waiting for this indictment, so he knows what the charges are." I said sighing.

"It'll be okay," Belinda said touching my thigh smiling.

"Will it though? I'm 5 months pregnant. What if he misses the birth? What do I tell Malachi and Aurora?"

"Where do they think he is right now?"

"Out of town for work. On another tour. That's what he told me to tell them. I don't like lying to them."

"Until you know what's going to happen I think that's best. They probably wouldn't understand anyway," I nodded my head because she's probably right.

Once the game was over Toya did the cabbage patch saying, "I won. You bitches lost!" None of us really cared. I gave up a long time ago.

Belinda stood up grabbing her Chanel bag putting it on her shoulder. "Well, I'm out. This was fun."

"Wait, I thought we were going to eat?"

"I can't. Robb has to go to the studio and I have to get the kids. I had fun. I'll see you guys later," Belinda hugged us each leaving. I took off the bowling shoes putting my shoes back on. I put my Chanel backpack on my back then we went to the part of the bowling alley that serves food. Me, Brittany and Toya sat down waiting for our food. I ordered nachos and anything else that looked good on the money. Dave says I was fat last pregnancy, but I'm worse this time. I don't care, I'm eating whatever.

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