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Louis' POV:

Today is the first day in my new school. I don't know anyone there and I'm extremly nervous. What if they don't like me? My mom kept telling me that everything will be fine and that I will make lots of friends soon, but I doubt it. Not that I don't like talking with strangers, I love making new friends but it's never easy to be the new kid.

I eat the last piece of pancakes and then I go upstairs. I brush my teeth and pack my things into my bag afterwards. I hug my mom, saying good bye and then I leave the house. I close the door behind me and start walking to the school. It's really big, a lot bigger than my old school. How should I find my classroom? Great start so far...

I enter the building and a few students look at me, probably because they've never seen me. I don't like when all the eyes are on me. A few are ok but not that many. I look at the sheet of paper in my hand to find out which locker is mine. When I found it I try the code and it opens. I smile a bit and take my schedule out of my back. First english, then maths and then break. I put everything except for the english and maths things in my locker and close it afterwards again. I look back at the sheet of paper and try to find my room. Suddenly I bump into someone and I fall over, quickly looking up. A blonde boy with bright blue eyes and a big smile is standing in front of me and stretchs his hand out to help me up. I take it and he pulls me back on my feet.

"Sorry." I mumble and pick my bag up from the floor.

"It's ok. I'm Niall and you?" he asks in an irish accent.

"Louis." I say.

"Are you new here? I've never seen you before." he says and I nod.

"Need help with finding your room?" he asks and I nod again, smiling a little.

He looks at the paper and smiles.

"That's my room too. I'll show you where it is." he says and leads me to the classroom.

"Welcome in your new class." he says and opens the door.

There are a few guys sitting in the last row with their feet on their tables. In front of them are some girls talking to each other or talking with the boys. In the first row are two nerds waiting for the teacher and the rest seems pretty normal. One of the nerds has brown back gelled hair and he wears thick black framed glasses. He wears clean dress pants, a button up shirt and a sweater vest. The other one wears pretty similar clothes and also glasses. He doesn't have gel in his brown hair so he looks a bit more...normal. In the last row are sitting two guys with lots of tattoos. One of them is wearing a beanie, still showing his brown curls a bit, and a low cut tank top. The other one is wearing a leather jacket and a low cut tank top as well. He doesn't wear a beanie and has black hair with a bit of blonde which is styled into a quiff. They wear tight skinny black ripped jeans and have a few piercings. I look at the others and see a boy with brown curls as well. He looks pretty normal but he looks extremly good. To be honest the nerd, the punk and the normal guy look pretty much the same and they all look good. Even the nerd.

Niall sits down on his seat and signals me to sit down next to me. I thankfully take the seat and I'm really happy that I don't have to sit alone. Niall seems really nice and I need someone to show me around. I take out my things and Niall talks with some other kids while I wait for the teacher. A young woman with black curly hair enters the room. She has dark brown eyes and very tan skin. She looks a bit spanish actually. She sits down behind her desk and smiles at the class.

"Can you stand up?" she asks and everyone stands up slowly.

"Good morning." she says smiling.

"Good morning Mrs Fernandez." the class says and I smile...she is spanish.

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