Chapter 8

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I wake up with Louis in my arms and I can't believe that last night really happened. It was wonderful, the best night of my life.

I move his fringe out of his face and press a long kiss to his forehead.

"Ed?" Louis asks sleepy, stretching a bit.

He wraps his arms back around me and snuggles up to my chest, nuzzling his face into it.

"Good morning beautiful." I whisper, placing butterfly kisses all over his neck and face.

"Stop it." he giggles and holds my face in his hands.

He presses his lips to mine in a sweet kiss and then pulls away.

"Last night was perfect." he says, rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"It really was." I say, resting my forehead against his.

"Shall we get dressed and get breakfast?" Louis asks and I shake my head, my forehead rubbing against his.

"I like it like this." I smirk and he chuckles.

"You better do." he says smirking and pecks my nose.

"You're adorable." I say.

He shakes his head. "I'm not adorable. I'm not a little child."

"But you are adorable." I say and he shakes his head smiling.

"Well then you are too." he says.

I laugh. "Have you seen my tattoos? I'm not really what others call adorable."

"But they just see your look, they don't see what's inside." Louis says and I smile.

"What would I do without you?" I ask, moving my hand through his hair.

"You'd find someone else." Louis says and I shake my head.

"I don't want anybody else." I say and he smiles.

He moves so his head is laying on my chest and he starts drawing the tattoos on my chest with his finger. I chuckle and watch his finger move over my skin while I fondle his back and shoulder. He sighs happily and places a quick kiss on my chest.

My phone rings and I take it from the bedside table, making sure Louis' head stays on my chest.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey mate, where are you?" Zayn asks.

"At home." I say.

"No you aren't, I was there and your mom is worried because she thought you're at mine." he says.

"No I'm in my house." I say.

"The lake house? What are you doing there?" he asks.

"Lying in bed with Louis." I say smirking and Louis looks up at me.

"So it worked?" Zayn asks.

"Yep." I say smiling.

"Well, you should still call your mom. She's really worried." he says.

"Ok thanks Zayn." I say and hang up.

"I thought I'm the only one who knows about this." Louis says.

"You're the only one who knows where it is and who has seen it. Zayn only knows that it exists and that it's a lake house." I say and Louis smiles.

"I have to call my mom because she's worried. I forgot to tell her where I am." I say and Louis nods.

"My mom probably too." he says and I call my mom.

"Edward? Thank god! Where are you?" my mom asks.

"At the lake house with...a friend." I say, smiling at Louis.

We haven't talked about that yet. I don't know if we're together or not. Normally I don't even wake up and cuddle with people I slept with.

"Who?" my mom asks.

"Louis." I say.

"Have you been there the whole night?" she asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"Well I'm glad you're ok." she says.

"Don't worry mom, I'm fine." I say.

"Ok, have fun darling." she says and hangs up.

"Can I borrow your phone? My battery is gone." Louis says and I nod.

I hand it to him and he dials his mom's number.

"Mom, don't worry. I'm fine."

"No, it's all good. I'm at a friend's."

"Yeah, I've been there the whole night."

"No I wasn't kidnapped."

"Ok, thanks."

He hangs up and hands me my phone which I put on the bedside table.

"Can you stay?" I ask and he nods.

"Good." I say and roll him on top of me.

"What are you doing?" he chuckles.

"What does it look like?" I ask smirking.

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking." Louis laughs.

"I'll carry you to the bathroom so we can take a shower together." I say and Louis smiles.

"Ok." he nods and I sit up.

He wraps his legs around me and I stand up, carrying him into the bathroom. We take our boxers off and get in the shower. I turn the water on and pull Louis close to me.

"Normally it's romantic to kiss in the rain, but I can only give you a shower right now." I say and Louis laughs.

"That's fine." he says and I press my lips to his.

I run a hand through his already wet hair and pull him closer by the waist. He puts his arms around my neck, one of his hands resting in my hair and his tongue slips into my mouth. I slowly pull away and look at him smiling.

After a while we get out of the shower and dry ourselves with towels. Louis goes over to the mirror and takes my hair dryer. I follow him and wrap my arms around him from behind, leaving kisses on his neck and shoulder.

"What are you doing love?" I ask.

"Drying my hair." he says.

"Why?" I ask, kissing his neck again.

He tilts his head to the side so I can reach it better and leave more kisses there.

"Why not?" he asks.

"We don't have to leave the house for breakfast, I'll cook something." I say and he nods, putting the hair dryer down.

We stay like that for a while and look at ourselves in the mirror. I have my chin on his shoulder and my arms around Louis. Our hair is falling in our faces but we look good together. More than good.

Louis rests his head on mine and places one of his hands over mine.

We leave the bathroom and I look through my dresser. I put on grey sweatpants and a black longsleeve and then I look at Louis. He's wearing one of my grey sweaters and my black sweatpants which are both a bit too big on him.

"You look perfect." I say and kiss his forehead.

"I love this sweater." he says.

"Why?" I ask.

"It smells like you." he says and I chuckle.

I take his hand in mine and we go downstairs. He sits down on a counter and watchs me make breakfast. Then he helps me set the table and we sit down, starting to eat.

"It tastes amazing." Louis says and I smile.

"Thanks." I say proudly.

"Luckily you can cook because I can't cook at all." he says and I chuckle.

"Don't worry, I love cooking." I say and he nods.

Well let's see what we're going to do later.

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