Chapter 3

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Marcel's POV:

I see Louis walk past me, giving me a warm smile, making my heart flutter. I have never seen someone more beautiful than him. It's so unfair that he won't choose me. They always choose Edward or Harry. Normally they don't even want to go on a date with me. Well, most of the time I don't even have the courage to ask them for a date. I sigh and close my locker.

"Hey." Liam says smiling and I give him a small smile.

"What's wrong Marcy?" he asks.

"Nothing." I mumble.

"Is it because of the new student?" he asks and I nod slowly.

"It's always the same Marcy." Liam says and pulls me into a hug.

"It's not fair." I mumble.

"I know." he says and we go to class.

We sit down on our seats in the first row and I take my stuff out of my bag. I look behind me and see Louis talking with Edward, smiling really cute. Why is Edward the one he smiles at like this? Why not me? Edward just plays with other people's feelings. He doesn't care how other's feel. He just uses them. He never had a long relationship and I don't think he'll ever have. If Louis would choose me, I would never let him go.

Louis' POV:

"Hey Louis." Edward says smiling.

"Hey." I say, smiling back.

"Can I?" he asks, pointing at the table and I nod.

He sits down on my table and fixes his olive green beanie.

"So are you still going to go to this special place with me?" he asks and I nod.

"Of course, but where are we going?" I ask.

"It's a-"

"Surprise?" I finish his sentence and he nods.

"Fine." I sigh and he smiles.

"See you later." he says smiling and I nod.

 In the break I sit down outside under a tree, leaning against it and I take out my maths book. I don't understand anything in maths even though I'm only here for two days. Maybe I should ask Marcel for tutoring. I see Marcel and Liam walking outside and I quickly go over to him.

"Hey Marcel." I say smiling.

"Uh h-hi." he stutters.

"Um I wondered if you could give me tutoring?" I ask.

"M-me?" he asks unbelieving and I nod smiling.

"O-of course!" he says smiling.

"Ok thank you. Can you give me your number?" I ask.

"Y-you want my n-number?" he asks.

"I have to call you so we can account when we'll do the tutoring." I say chuckling and he quickly nods.

I take out my phone and he tells me his number, which I save.

"Thanks Marcel." I say smiling and he smiles back.

I sit down in front of the tree again and look into my book.

"Maths, huh?" Edward asks and I nod.

"I don't get it." I say.

"Well I can't help you with that because I'm probably the worst student here." he says smirking and I chuckle.

He sits down next to me and crosses his legs.

~ON HOLD~ The Styles Triplets [Larry/Ledward/Larcel]Where stories live. Discover now